Wednesday, October 08, 2008

RLS Update

It's been two weeks since I've tapered off of Mirapex for Restless Legs Syndrome, and I have to say it's been sheer hell. Why did I go off of it? Well, my doctor and I have reason to believe it caused me to sleepwalk during REM sleep, which is very dangerous not only for me but for my boyfriend. I was taking 2 mg of Clonazepam to keep the sleepwalking under control, but it was making me feel terrible the next day. So, I'm tapering off of that as well. I've turned to vitamin and mineral supplements. Apparently, a lack of folic acid, magnesium, and iron can cause RLS. While you can take magnesium and folic acid without any adverse effects, iron is a different story. Taking too much can cause major health problems...yikes! With that said, I've gone and had my iron tested. The results haven't come in yet, but I'm hoping it shows that I have low iron. If it does, my doctor tells me iron supplementation can help a great deal. Keep your fingers crossed!