Believe me, I'd love to have kids...but that's kind of difficult in my present relationship state, which is in "imminent breakup" stage (see my previous blog, "What Bums Me Out.") Mark offered things like his babysitting services, a free subscription to The Chronicle, creative baby naming, free dog adoption for every "fertilized ovum," and open the "Mark Morford Camp for Luminous Toddlers." Heh.
Too bad he didn't offer the service of fathering any of these babies, because I'd sure take him up on that. Have you seen him? He's hot. And smart. And has a deadly wit. Of course, I think he has a fairly serious girlfriend, but this is such an important cause, I'm sure she'd approve of him fathering tons of babies to progressive liberal women, such as myself.
Anyway, in all seriousness...I am a bit alarmed with this statistic he's brought up, because I'm not sure I can live in a country that's controlled by fundamentalist Christians who want to tell me how to live my life. And I live the life of a law-abiding, upstanding citizen who believes in the freedom to pursue happiness. I don't see how that's possible. We have a glimpse of the future in the current Bush administration, if fundamentalist Christians get the stranglehold they want on this government. Church and state should be separate!
I could go on and on, but I won't. But I do love Mark Morford...almost as much as I love Jon Stewart. Oh, if only there were more men like these guys in the world. :)