Oh, how I love
Grey's Anatomy. The writing is fantastic, the actors are perfect for their roles...and like
Lost, there's so much eye candy, what's not to like?
Granted, I'm not that harsh of a critic, like some of the folks on the
Television Without Pity forums, but still. I keep reading posts that people don't actually talk like the characters do (snarky, sarcastic, clever). Huh? Not that I'm all that clever, but I am sarcastic and snarky. My friends and I all are. I wonder if it's because of how they look that people say this? I wonder. I mean, take a look at the cast photo to the right. Yeah, doctors can be hot, but I have yet to be in a hospital where the entire surgical staff could all be models. Okay, well...not all of them, but you have to admit that most of them could.
Anyway, I loved the episode last night. The speech Meredith gave to Finn and Derek was priceless. They've turned dating her into some sort of pissing contest, and she totally called them on it. Granted, she did sort of ask for it by telling them she'd be dating both of them. But still. It just goes to show that humans are not that far removed from our basic instincts. When two males are vying for the attention of one female, competition of some sort will ensue, heh. It's just that when it's humans doing the competing, it's fun to see one guy bring coffee, and the other guy bring coffee cake. Love it!
Now, who am I vying for? I have a soft spot in my heart for Derek, even though he is for all intents and purposes a pompous ass. But there's something about him that I just can't put my finger on. Perhaps it's because if I were Meredith, I'd go for the relationship that wasn't one-sided. We know she still loves Derek, and now we know after last week's episode, he loves her. Yes, he's still married...but not for much longer, I think. She likes Finn, but I don't see him holding her attention for that long...and that spells doom for that relationship.
As for Addison and McSteamy (Mark, the man she cheated on Derek with...his best friend), she should totally go for it with him. He loves her. It's more than just sex, and I think if she's willing to let go of Derek, she'll find she loves him too. Although, letting go of a marriage is hard, I think having someone like Mark waiting in the wings would make it just a tad bit easier. Of course, I've never been married, so maybe not.
Anyway, I am officially hooked on this show...and it's a show that I know won't frustrate me beyond belief like
Lost. Yay for
Grey's Anatomy! Don't let me down by becoming anymore of a soap opera than you already are!