The last time we had a Democrat in the governor's seat and in the Senate, I wasn't able to vote...I think I was a wee one, as a matter of fact (I'm now 35!). My local representative will be a Republican, which doesn't surprise me...but frankly, I'll be happy with a Democrat majority in the House, no matter who my representative is (and it's almost a given this will happen). And if Democrats take the Senate...well, that will be icing on the cake, but I'm not expecting it.
To add to my glee, it looks like Issue 5 (Smoke Free), which bans smoking in restaurants and bars, will win...and Issue 4 (Smoke Less), which was introduced by the tobacco industry will lose. Ha! You see, if both had passed, Issue 4 would have trumped Issue 5 because it was an amendment to the state constitution. It was listed as a ban on smoking, but it was a thin disguise that would have allowed current state anti-smoking laws to be repealed. Take that, big tobacco! I'll be able to eat in restaurants and not have to sit in a "nonsmoking" section and smell like smoke when I leave. I'll be able to go to a bar and enjoy a beer, without having to breathe in the equivalent of a pack of cigarettes. And of course I'm happy that the minimum wage (Issue 2) will be raised too. It's about damn time!
Anyway, I'll post more tomorrow when everything's final. Hopefully, I will be able to do a little dance of joy before I leave for work tomorrow.
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