If I find something entertaining, it will get posted here, hence the title "What Entertains Me". And yes, I'm very sarcastic, so get over that before you read it. Anything from television, politics, weather, food, music...anything that strikes me as funny will be discussed.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Bouncy Bounce Bounce
More exercise equipment is the last thing I need, you know? But, I'm thinking that a mini trampoline might be a good thing to have to drag out into the living room so I can jog in place and watch a little TV, now that the shows I love are going to be back on. Actually, I've gotten hooked on The Riches on FX. My boyfriend gave me his DVDs of last season, so I'm sitting here watching the first two shows. Wow, I sure missed a good first season! This is good stuff! And, there are no commercials to deal with. Woo hoo!
Free Samples!
I'm a sucker for samples, promotional products, anything that I like I can get for free, I'm all for it. One time I bought $50 worth of stuff from Beauty.com just so I could get samples of stuff from Philosophy, Stila, Kinerase, and a plethora of other things I can't even remember. Was it worth it? Oh yeah. I also got a nice little red patent leather bag for makeup that I now can't live without. I think there were a total of 12 samples of stuff, which is a lot if you think about it. Some were almost full-size. Bonus! I haven't seen anything like it since then, but if I do and I have some extra cash...I'll be sure to get it.
Tags: Philosophy, Stila, Kinerase, Beauty.com
Mazes and Jungles
The other day, I was in one of my company's server rooms, and I was blown away. I had no idea what one really looked like...a jungle of blade servers, towers, CAT6 cables, etc. And it was freezing cold, but apparently that's the way it's supposed to be. If it gets hot, that's a bad, bad thing. Anyone who can manage a room full of these things has got to be mechanically minded, because I have no idea how they tell one thing from another. It's a maze that I have no desire to get lost in, that's for sure.
Tags: servers, cable, blade servers
Thursday, March 20, 2008
My TV Is Back!
Woot! Next week, Grey's Anatomy comes back! And soon, House will be back! I'm already enjoying Lost being on. And now...when the television season is usually going to end, it's just beginning. With the weather getting warmer, that's going to make things difficult. Although...it's why I have a DVR, I guess. Ah, television...can't live with it, can't live without it.
Tags: Grey's Anatomy, Lost, House, DVR
Listen to the Music
So tomorrow night, I'm going up to Dayton to see my boyfriend's band called The Smoky Basement Project, which is his original band. He's also in a cover band called In Ten Cities, which played a huge St. Patrick's Day show last Saturday. There's a third band he's trying to get into, which is local. What can I say? The boy loves being a musician. And I have to say that I really enjoy dating a musician, mainly because I love music so much. I never have had the opportunity to date one, so this is a first for me. But it's really inspiring to me to see him and his band mates up on stage playing their hearts out. He's not the front-man, but the bass guitar player...and he's really good, in my humble opinion. His bandmates are excellent, too. Together, they form a really tight band. And I'm getting to work on another hobby of mine...photography. Taking pictures of them is hard, but I'm getting better at it. If I get good enough...maybe I'll use that tax refund to buy a digital SLR camera! Heh.
Tags: St. Patrick's Day, tax refund, band, cover band, dating, music, photography
Getting Paid to Post
What do I love about PayPerPost? It's the fact that I can make money off of what I love most, writing...well, my attempts at writing anyway. I'm not published anywhere, although I'd like to be. Maybe this blog will get noticed...someday? The chances are slim to none, but there's hope. Maybe if I wrote more about one particular subject, it might be noticed. But there's too much I like to write about, from politics, television, health, relationships...I could go on with the list, because there's really no subject I lack an opinion on. :) And as long as I can make $20 for posts like this one, I think I'll be happy with just writing about whatever comes to mind (or whatever they tell me to...or I'm "qualified" to write about). One day, they might not allow paid posting like this, but until then, I'm going to make the most of what I get paid to blog about. If I had the time, I'd post a lot more on here and make more money...but I can't post while at work. They think this is a paid-to-surf site, unfortunately. Oh well, guess I can do more at night...because I sure need the money. 

Tags: blog, politics, television, health, relationships
Tags: blog, politics, television, health, relationships
Happiness at Last?
Well...I'm dating a new guy, and it's going great. Actually, it's better than it's ever been with any guy. I think he could (just maybe) be the guy I end up with. He's smart, funny, sweet, talented (industrial designer and a musician), cute, easy-going...I could go on, but I won't...because he has something I can't describe that makes me like him the more I get to know him. We play Scrabble and have a great time. We go to see his former band mates on St. Patrick's Day, and we have a blast. We sit and watch The Riches, and just enjoy being around each other. Perhaps it's the honeymoon period, but I don't think so. What's so amazing is...I think he likes me for me. And I like him for him. What more could I ask for? :)
Tags: The Riches, St. Patrick's Day, dating, Scrabble
I admit it...
I watch American Idol, despite my every intention NOT to watch it. But, I find myself getting sucked in every year by the auditions shows, which are like a train or car wreck...you don't want to watch people make complete idiots out of themselves, but you can't help it! So now, we're down to the final 10. Who will win, I really can't say. My personal favorite "dark horse" is Shikezie, who blew me away last week with his rendition of The Beatles "She's a Woman." Brooke is also good, but I'm not sure how long she can keep going with the whole Carly Simon vibe she has going. David Archuleta has an impeccable voice, but something about him annoys me. Michael Johns could be great...not sure why he hasn't blown us out of the water yet.
Anyway, so, I've been looking for forums and sites, besides the American Idol official site, to see what other people have to say, and I found this site called Idol Exclusive. It allows you to talk about the show through blogs, forums, pictures, etc. Heck, you can even access it through your cell phone, if you want. That's a bit much for me, but for the pure addicts (and I know you're out there!) it's sheer genius on their part to add that to their site.
Anyway, so, I've been looking for forums and sites, besides the American Idol official site, to see what other people have to say, and I found this site called Idol Exclusive. It allows you to talk about the show through blogs, forums, pictures, etc. Heck, you can even access it through your cell phone, if you want. That's a bit much for me, but for the pure addicts (and I know you're out there!) it's sheer genius on their part to add that to their site.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
How Time Flies
It's hard to believe it was 18 years ago that my family traveled to England and France...EIGHTEEN YEARS! Back then, we didn't have the luxury of the Internet to help us plan where we'd be staying, like being able to look up hotels on http://www.cheaperthanhotels.co.uk/United-Kingdom/York/ to find a cheap place to stay in York, which by the way was one of my favorite places we visited. Although, we just drove around until we found a bed and breakfast that looked decent. But still, it might have been cheaper for my folks to go to a site like http://www.cheaperthanhotels.co.uk/United-Kingdom/York/ and do a search beforehand. Granted, the spontaneity would have been killed, but my folks could have probably saved a ton of money. I wonder if being able to find inexpensive, yet decent, places to stay so easily has made more people be less spontaneous about where they might end up staying? Does being able to plan every last detail on the Internet at sites like http://www.cheaperthanhotels.co.uk/United-Kingdom/York/ hurt the spontaneity of some trips? Probably not...I mean, we had travel agents before the Internet, right?
Tags: Internet, United Kingdom, hotels, travel, trips
Delta's Monopoly on Cincinnati
Spring break is right around the corner for most folks. Me? Well, I'd prefer to wait until it was a little warmer. But I'm wondering if now would be a good time to find cheap flights for later in the year? Of course, there's no such thing flying out of Cincinnati, which is one of, if not the, most expensive airports in the country. Gotta love Delta! So if I really want a cheap flight, I have to look at Dayton, Columbus, Louisville, and/or Indianapolis. It's very frustrating! Anytime a cheap carrier like JetBlue tries to make a go of it, Delta somehow puts them out of business here. Not sure how, but they do. Grrr! Nothing like driving 2 hours to save a few hundred dollars...
Tags: spring break, Delta, Cincinnati, Dayton, Columbus, Louisville, JetBlue
My Quarters
As far as bathroom vanities go, the one in my apartment is okay. I can tell it's about 20 years old from the color/decor, but it'll do. If I had my druthers, I'd have either a new pedestal sink, or one of those basins that sit on top of a countertop. But, because I have no control over the appliances or fixtures, I'll just have to live with what I've got. I'm getting the urge to start looking at condos again, but I'm here for the duration because I'm fairly certain I couldn't afford to replace anything like a stove, refrigerator, etc. that broke. *sigh*
Tags: apartment living, appliances, condos
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