Thursday, December 28, 2006

Christmas Hangover

I spent last weekend driving back and forth between Dayton and Cincinnati. From Saturday through Tuesday, I made the trip. That's a grand total of 8 trips up and down I-75. Ugh. It's only a 45 minute trip, but when you do it that many days in a gets tiresome. My trip on Tuesday was unplanned, as it was to my boyfriend's youngest sister's impromptu wedding, which we only found out about Christmas Eve when his dad's side of the family came to visit. Now I'm at work, bitter as ever...still smarting over my manager not letting me work from home. I just hope that this coming year gets better, really. Seriously, the last three years have been, well, challenging to say the least. It's time I got a break. Perhaps 2007 will be the year without major drama? We'll see.

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