Wednesday, December 06, 2006

New Ohio Minimum Wage Law?

Okay, so Ohio has needed to raise its minimum wage for a long time now. Finally, we did. However, it comes with at least one requirement that might prove useful, yet will cause some grief for those of us who are salaried. We now have to keep track of our time with timesheets, just like the non-exempt employees.

At first, I was a bit bent out of shape by this. But then, I realized how this might benefit those who are more than likely getting the ol' shaft because they work long hours, yet get paid a crappy salary. It's why I refuse to work more than 40-50 hours per week, because if I "hourly" wage would go down. Now, I'm not below minimum wage by any means. I figure that someone who makes only $22,000 per year, yet works 70 hour weeks, is probably someone who would be making below minimum wage.

I also wonder...does this mean we'll get overtime? Doubt it. From what I've read, it only applies to recordkeeping in case someone does happen to fall under the minimum wage. I'll be interested to see if anyone in this company falls under that category. Again, doubt it...but hey, maybe it'll show my division just how much we really make per hour. I mean, a lot of us work 60+ hour weeks (not me), so our hourly wage might be ridiculously low for someone in our position. Bet nothing will come of it...but I might start working longer hours just to prove a point, you know?

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