Thursday, January 25, 2007

Birthday Cards - Store Bought or Homemade?

So, I just had my birthday, and I got a lot of cards. One of them looked like one of those printable greeting cards you can make online. Personally, I love doing this as you can customize the card. While I do like going into stores and finding the one card that makes me laugh out loud, sometimes I just don't have the time to do that. Or, I just don't feel like venturing out to the store. So, I'll log onto my account, find a card I like, personalize it, and print it out. I actually have card stock and envelopes for when I want to make my own cards. Sometimes, a brilliant idea strikes me for making my own card. But mostly, I use their templates and fill in what I want to say. It really is great having all of these options nowadays!

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