Thursday, April 05, 2007

Woo Hoo!

I've lost 6 pounds in the last two weeks. Finally, some success in my weight loss goal of 15 pounds. It's about time, I have to say. Of course, I have no one else to blame but myself for taking so long to eat healthier, and learn to make choices. That's been the key for me, I think, is learning how to prioritize food vs. health in my life. Yes, I still eat food for comfort, but not like I used to. I don't eat two hours before bed time, which is usually 11:00 PM during the week, and I just ask myself every time I'm faced with a food I'd normally want to gobble down whether I'd have that food now, or be the size I was 2 years ago. So far, so good...and I'm back with my personal trainer as well. Perhaps that'll speed up the process a least I hope it does!

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