Thursday, October 25, 2007

Hey, That's My Backpack!

Before we had more strict rules about what could be carried on a plane, I used to carry a Swiss Army knife with me wherever I went. That thing really came in handy, more than I thought it would. But now I'm sure it would be confiscated, and I'd rather not have something that cost $100 become property of the TSA.

Speaking of the TSA, I had to go through a search of my backpack and my laptop leaving from the Helena airport. Same thing happened to me in Duluth a few years ago. They did that to just about everyone, especially the laptop test (turned it on without shutting it down properly...nice!). It just cracks me up that the smaller airports (this one has a grand total of three gates...yes, three) feel like they have to prove themselves, so they search everyone they possibly can. I guess they have the time, since there aren't thousands of people going through the security checkpoint at any given time, like say in LAX or O'Hare. But still, it was rather annoying.

A Horse Is a Horse

My best friend used to have a horse, but she had to put it down because it had a disease that was incurable. That was sooo hard for her, and for me. I mean, she loved this horse. And after that she didn't ride for a long, long time. It was so sad because she'd all but grown up with that horse. But now she's riding at one of the stables around here, so I'm thinking for Christmas I'm going to get her some horse riding apparel. Not sure what I'll get, but I do want to get her something besides a gift card, you know? I think she'll really appreciate that. At least I hope she will. Either that, or golf stuff since she just picked that up not too long ago. Hmm. Decisions, decisions...

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Night Sky

Visiting Montana was amazing. It's so dark there, that you can see more stars in the night sky than I have ever seen I think, because there are almost no city lights to light up the sky like there are where I live. I mean, there are some...but nothing like here. And I thought that living in a smaller city allowed me to see more stars than down in Cincinnati. While that is true...I had no idea just how much the city lights of Dayton light up the sky. I definitely have to go back to Montana and have my cousin take me out fly fishing (I'll watch, not fish...not something you can just pick up in one day), hiking, etc. He's a real outdoor afficianado, so I'll be in good hands. It's almost like a different country there, with all the mountains and isolation. I think I need that. I can't wait. :)

Espresso-ing Myself

Every now and then, I get this idea I need one of those espresso machines. But then I mom got me one a few years ago, and I never use it! The only thing I use it for is to steam milk for my coffee (not espresso mind you). It's just too messy to do the espresso stuff, and to be honest espresso is too strong for me. But I doubt I'll ever give it away because it is kinda fun to have around, just in case someone comes over and has a hankering for espresso...or I get a hankering for a real latte. That does happen every now and then.

Montana Or Bust

I was just in Montana for a wedding for my younger cousin. Wow, that is one beautiful place. Although small, it's quite charming (and it is the capitol city, but it doesn't look that way). Anyway, they got just about everything they wanted on their registry, including the LCD TV they had put on it. His aunt Pinky (yes, Pinky) took them to Target the day after their wedding and bought it for them. She's very well-off. I mean, she and her son came from Australia. Granted, she's not my aunt, hee hee. But she's a lot of fun, and I'm glad she could do that for them. Apparently they have to hit the TV they have now to get it to work. So, now they have a brand new 37" Olevia LCD TV. I'm jealous! I think that'll be my next purchase, if/when we get a bonus next year. By then the 32" one I want will be relatively cheap. At least, I hope it will.

Think the Real Estate Bubble Has Burst

With the real estate market in a tailspin, I wonder if those who own a real estate franchise are starting to get nervous, especially the smaller ones. I think I'd be on the verge of a nervous breakdown, knowing me. And, I see all of these houses up for sale for months, rather than weeks, even in "hot" areas of town. That has to suck for the people who want or need to sell and can't because the subprime lenders are all going under. Why people got ARMs, I'll never understand. I mean, if you know you're only going to be in a house for 5 years, fine. But with record low mortgage, they're probably only going to go up! Even I, who is an idiot when it comes to finances, knows this and would NEVER get an ARM. Anyway, it's a huge mess, and I hope it works itself out so that I can buy a house in the future and not have to worry about getting taken for a ride from some lender.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

SUVs - Bane of My Existence

I live in a part of the country where SUVs and pickup trucks (some even with a truck bed liner) almost outnumber the sedan. It's rather annoying, to be honest. I mean, I live in a suburban area. Why do people need such large vehicles? Is it to feel safer? Is it a status symbol? I guess it's probably both, with other factors thrown in that I'm not aware of. If you have a boat or something, I can see the need for towing. But do you really need that Hummer? Nope, that's just a gas-guzzling behemoth that people own because they want the coolness factor that comes along with it (I have yet to see one towing anything). Although I don't see it as cool...quite the opposite, I judge that person to be a jackass, but that's just me.

Anyway, I drive a smallish car, so I really have issues with SUVs and pickups in general, because...I CAN'T SEE OVER OR AROUND THEM! Being at a traffic light behind one is annoying, and when I park between two of them, I can't tell if anyone's coming until I've practically backed all the way out of the space. Then I get honked at, which also annoys me. Not like I'm speeding out of my space in reverse, folks, I just can't see! *sigh*

So to anyone who owns a Hummer or other insanely huge SUV when you don't need it, please consider stepping down to a Forester or RAV4 or something. You'll do the world a favor.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Warning...Cuteness Overload!

Oh no, I'm having cute baby stuff overload! I just looked at the baby shower registry I mentioned in my last post...and I don't know what to get! I was convinced I'd get Winnie the Pooh stuff, but then I saw this other stuff by Gund that I may not be able to resist. Lord help me if I ever get pregnant, because I will want it ALL and will probably have to take a second mortgage out on my house (which I have yet to buy, mind you). Seriously, it's insane how much cute stuff is out there, that you almost forget the necessities! Okay, maybe not...but I can see how easy it is to get wrapped up in all the hats, blankets, footies, etc. (no pun intended). I'll have to reign in my spending for the baby shower that's coming up, that's for sure!

Pooh Bear!

My manager (also a good friend of mine) is having a baby in December, so we're throwing her a baby shower here at work at the end of this month. She and her hubby registered at Target, and because it's their first baby, they have a TON of stuff they want. One of the things is a baby sling, which I have to admit is pretty cool. And they have Winnie the Pooh stuff out the wazoo! I loooooved Pooh as a kid, so you can bet my gift will have Pooh bear on it (that's if people don't beat me to it!). They're having a girl too, and there is soooooo much cute girl stuff out there that I'll have a hard time sticking to one gift, I think. Anyway, I am so happy for them. They'll make awesome parents.


You know, I never bother to buy stuff like a new set of glasses or a new cookware set. Why? Because my father eventually gets bored with his stuff, and then I get it...and it's nice stuff because cooking is his favorite thing to do in the whole wide world. My cousin and his fiancee (more than likely, his fiancee and not him) had a set of cookware on their registry, but there's no way on earth I could afford to get that for them. They'll have to settle for a tablecloth instead, heh. I know it's not the most exciting gift in the world, but I hate going off-registry because this is usually stuff people genuinely want. And everything else on there would have cost me a fortune. I mean...they asked for bed pillows from Ralph Lauren that cost $120 each. What the hell?? I can't imagine spending that much on something I sleep on every night, and have to discard after they've worn out. Oh well, it's not my wedding, so who am I to pass judgment? Perhaps I'm bitter that now I'm in the minority of unmarried cousins? I dunno. But if/when I get married, I for sure will not be adding $120 bed pillows to my list. :)

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Self Appraisals

My company has moved the fiscal year, and as a result our performance appraisals will be moved to September of next year, rather than January of next year. Awesome! I always had to do my self-appraisal on or around my birthday. Nothing like sizing my work performance up for a birthday treat! Anywho, I wonder if the performance system we use is a 360 degree evaluation type of software? I have no idea, really. All I know is...this year, my appraisal will probably only take a day or two as opposed to the week it used to take me with my previous job. And to me, that's what counts the most. :)

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Sad State of My Finances

Every year, I think, "I'm going to get my finances under control." And every year, I get some sort of financial reporting software...or an update to what I have, at least (Quicken 2008 anyone?). For about three months, I'm really good about getting all of my spending information entered (or downloaded), but then I just let it go. Why? I'm not sure. I think it's because I get depressed about how much I'm still in debt. Or, it's my ADD when it comes to doing stuff that I hate...more like procrastination, I think. I always have and probably always will be a procrastinator. But some people are and still are able to control their finances. Wish I were one of those people...

The Saga of Bad Skin Continues

I've been experimenting with nutritional supplements to see if they might help my skin, in addition to everything else I'm doing. For awhile, I was taking both flaxseed and evening primrose oil, and I didn't think they were doing anything. So, I stopped taking them. But I've noticed that my usual monthly breakout was worse than normal. Was it due to the light therapy? Maybe. It's too hard to tell. But I have noticed that my mood has changed least I'm more moody than I have been in the past few months. So while they may not really have improved my skin, they were doing other things...especially the evening primrose oil, I think. Supplements are sooo expensive that I take only the ones I know are working. So, once I get paid again on Friday, that will be one of the first things on my list to get.

Health Insurance Woes

Okay, I've been in this epic battle with my doctor's office about a $200 bill that they never submitted to my insurance agency. They say they did, and never got reimbursed for it. I told them to resubmit, and they won't. I'm not gonna pay it because it's totally covered according to my insurance agency. So now it's gone to a commercial collection agency. What the hell?? He's in my insurance plan, and I only visit once a year for my RLS. I have no idea what happened, or why they didn't get paid...but for them to do this to me is insane. If he wasn't the best when it came to RLS, I'd find another doctor because of this. Seriously.

Third Time's a Charm?

So on the Today Show this morning, they covered Lindsay Lohan's latest release from drug rehabilitation. This is her third stint in it, although she stayed in it much longer than the 30 days it seems stars take to deal with their drug or alcohol addiction problem. Will it take? Who knows? Only she is in control of that. She says this time it was humbling, and that she'd be in denial if she thought she weren't in danger of relapse. Oh, and she's more aware that the people she spent time with weren't helping her. Of course, this goes against some of the tabloid rumors that someone was supplying her with alcohol while in rehab, but we all know how reliable tabloids are. As someone whose mother was an alcoholic, I can only hope that this time it takes for her.

Friday, October 05, 2007

Decorating the New Apartment

When I move, I'm planning on getting one of those modern platform beds for my new bed frame. That, or I'm going to wait for the new IKEA to open near me (spring of 2008....woooooo!) so I can get their wrought iron frame that's only $250. Right now, I have the standard frame with no headboard, and it's ugly. But, it's what I have...and it beats it being on the floor (I need the storage space, even though feng shui says it's a no-no to store things under your bed). Then my dad says he'll either buy me a new couch, or pay to have my hand-me-down one (which is about 25 years old!) reupholstered. He did it for my brother when he bought his house, so he says it's only fair he does the same for me. Who am I to argue? I can hardly wait to move...end of November can't come soon enough!

Why I'm Addicted to Skin Care Products

I admit it, I'm an addict of skin care products, only because I have horrible skin...and when I find something that works, it usually stops working. So I have to alternate between two product lines, usually after about a month of whatever I'm using. Right now, I'm trying this line my dad got for me called Isadermix. It's not for acne, but I like the cleanser and toner. The other thing I like is MD Formulations for adult acne. Also, I'm getting red and blue light treatments which seem to be working in conjunction with the Isadermix. I'll probably have to go longer than the standard 8 treatments, as my acne is particularly stubborn (and totally hormonal). The red light seems to bring up the little suckers overnight, which is good...I just hope that my skin is clear by the time I'm off to Montana for a family wedding in a few weeks.