Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Okay, I Admit It...

I read blogs like D-Listed, Popsugar, and It's one of my vices, like caffeine and good chocolate. It's just so sad to read about all the stars who are constantly going in and out of drug rehab. I mean, yeah...when it's the 10th time of going, then I start to wonder if these places actually work. But then I think...nah, it's probably the personality of the person, and being constantly surrounded by the life that lead them to being an alcohol or drug addict. I look at someone like Lindsay Lohan and shake my head and wonder if she'll ever be able to kick the habit. However, there are success stories like Drew Barrymore. She's a bit flaky, but she seems so happy with everything. Guess that's one of the secrets to battling addiction, finding your inner happiness. Sappy, but true.

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