Friday, February 02, 2007


Looks like Bush is back to his old self. In a posting only a few days ago, I thought perhaps someone had kidnapped him and replaced him with someone a little more in touch with reality. But today, my assumption was proved wrong. Despite the fact that the world's top climate analysts point the fingers at humanity for the steep rise in greenhouse gases, which exacerbates global warming, Bush is refusing to put a cap on the greenhouse gas emissions made by the U.S. (we emit over 25% of the gases). His spokesperson for this subject says it would negatively impact the economy, cause job losses, etc. Well, I have news for him...the increasingly severe weather we'll face, not to mention the disappearing coast lines, will have much more of an impact on humanity than just their finances! It's this unbelieveable shortsightedness and unwillingness to listen to ANYONE who knows what they're talking about that burns me up (no pun intended). How much longer does this man have in office? Too long.

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