Friday, February 02, 2007

Saving Money

Yes, I'm still in saving money mode. Someday, perhaps I will not live paycheck to paycheck, but for now that's just not possible. So, it's nice when there is a website like eBates, which gives you rebates anywhere from 1-25% on your online purchases from any number of the 800 stores you can find. For instance, you get a 6% rebate from, one of my favorite online retailers. All you need is an e-mail address (membership is totally free). Each quarter, you will get mailed a check (their "Big Fat Check") or have a deposit made to your PayPal account for the total amount you made in your rebates. There are also coupons and store specials.

I use it all of the time, and I have to say it's really nice getting that deposit in my PayPal account (my Christmas shopping alone will net me a nice deposit). I mean, I do a lot (and I mean a lot) of my shopping online, so why not benefit from it somehow? At the very least, it offsets the cost of shipping somewhat.

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