Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Can't...Stop...Second Life

Second Life truly amazes me, and also sort of scares me a little with how addictive it is. Of course, I did just break up with A after two I'm not really in the mood to do much of anything, and SL has been sort of a safe haven for me (not to mention a small booster of self-esteem). And, it's new, and when I have a new toy to play with, I sort of get obsessed with it. I feel like there's so much to learn from it (useful stuff, like digital design!), and I'm having fun at the same time.

It's so easy to spend all of my free time on there. Heck, it's taken me away from the television...and I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing, since I also have Tivo (I'm leaning toward it being a bad, actually). As such, I know is that it's not helping my tendency to be more of a couch potato than I'd like. I mean, when I can look like a million bucks on SL without so much as a situp, it's easy to use it as an excuse not to exercise (a pathetic excuse, yes...but one nonetheless). And, I'm meeting so many people from around the world, and actually living the life

Luckily, spring is on the way, and I will want to get outside more and more to soak up that vitamin D. I'll have more energy than I do right now, with the longer days and shorter nights. So I'm thinking I'll spend less time on SL than I do now...I hope that's the case, or I'm doomed!

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