If I find something entertaining, it will get posted here, hence the title "What Entertains Me". And yes, I'm very sarcastic, so get over that before you read it. Anything from television, politics, weather, food, music...anything that strikes me as funny will be discussed.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
The Lure of HDTV
I was soooo tempted to use my bonus money to buy an HD-capable TV, along with an HDMI cable to run from it to my PC. Of course, I'd first need to set up my PC to run Windows Media Center, like my boyfriend did. But I did the right thing and paid off some bills instead. Definitely not as fun as a new HDTV would be, but I think my credit reports will be a little happier now that a large chunk of debt is gone. Perhaps next year, I'll be able to have a little more fun with the bonus...and the prices of HDTVs will have dropped even more. I'll keep my fingers crossed!
The Things I See on My Drive Home
On my drive to and from work, which is mostly on a rural route, I get to see a house marker that really draws attention to it -- it's huge. I'd never have one that big, to be honest. But, they run a business out of their house, I think. So perhaps they need something that draws attention? I dunno. I just know that I think it's tacky, and I'd never choose to have something like that...even if I did run a business out of my house. Think I'd go for something a little more understated. Would I get as much business? Maybe not...but at least I'd know the marker didn't draw stares and gawks, haha.
Star-Studded Behavior
So, the results of Anna Nicole Smith's autopsy were revealed a few days ago, and Britney Spears got out of drug rehab a few weeks ago. I was amazed to hear what ANS had been taking. No wonder she died. It goes to show you that you should always be under a doctor's supervision for any sort of prescription medications. I suppose she was, but perhaps they didn't know about all of her drugs and how they'd interact? Who knows. But I'm glad to see Britney out of rehab...I just hope she doesn't relapse. Although, unless she's going to AA meetings, or has some sort of support system with regular check-ins...I have this idea she'll end up back there. And then the media will go into another frenzy. So for all of our sakes...I hope she stays out!
Sleep Through the Night? Not Me, I'm Afraid
On Tuesday, I went to see my neurologist for my annual visit, which is basically to make sure my RLS medications are still working and not having any adverse side effects. One of the ones I take for the REM Behavior Disorder (goes along with RLS in some cases) is known to be linked to prescription drug addiction problems. It's such a powerful "benzo" that you can't get a 12 month prescription for it, which is annoying for me as I only take a small dose every night to keep me from leaping out of bed while having odd hallucinations (my brain apparently doesn't shut down my motor functions in REM sleep, like most people). Clonazepam is unfortunately the only drug that's prescribed for the problem. And I hate it, actually...makes me so sluggish in the mornings. Melatonin also works, but it does the same thing to me...only worse, since I apparently make enough of it and don't need a supplement for it. Guess that'll be one thing I look forward to about getting older is being able to take melatonin for this, and get myself off of the clonazepam.
Spring Cleaning
I was cleaning out my bedside table drawer, when I ran across a bottle of Hoodia that was almost full. Of course, I couldn't throw it away...but then I remembered why I stopped taking it. It didn't do a thing for me to control my appetite. In fact, it made me more hungry, and also gave me a headache! It's par for the course with me, since I seem to react strangely to a lot of medications. But still, that wasn't cheap...and it's not like I can sell the open bottle to someone. Ugh. Guess it goes in the garbage!
Pens, Pens...and More Pens
I've had to go to the doctor twice this week, one for an annual checkup, the other for a problem I've had for about 6 weeks now. Anyway, I can't help but notice all of the logo pens they have, all from various pharmaceutical reps, I'm sure. Although with people like me, who have a tendency to steal pens inadvertently, I suppose the abundant numbers they have are a good thing. But really, it's annoying to see so many drugs advertised so blatantly...at least they don't have a recording that goes off when you use it...which would be rather embarrassing in some cases, like for herpes medication, or erectile dysfunction medication...I can see it now. It's only a matter of time, I think.
Delete, delete, delete
My in-box is full of surveys that I signed up to take, mainly with the hopes I'd make a little extra money off of them. But now I have too many, and I just end up deleting them...even though I like participating in a little market research here and there. However, I've never made a cent off of them, so I guess that's why unless the subject interests me, I don't take the survey. I do take the Zogby surveys I get, though...just because I like political surveys the most (yes, I am strange that way). Perhaps if they actually paid like they said they would, I might take more of them...but until then, they'll just get deleted from my in-box. It's cluttered enough as it is!
Houses in Second Life
During my sail boat tour of a new sim in SL last night, my friend was trying to get ideas for his new house. He just split up with his SL girlfriend, and they had owned land together...they divided that in half, but she got the house that they'd already worked on. To be honest, it looked like one of those Orlando villas I've seen on my trips down there. Not sure how he's going to top that...and he's asked me to help him find a house. Talk about pressure! Well, okay...maybe not that much pressure, but I do want to help him...if it's something he needs to do in order to get over the breakup. Who knew you could develop such strong relationships in a virtual society?
Second Life: The PC Resource Hog
I'm so glad I got myself a computer memory upgrade before I started playing Second Life, as I only had 512MB. I now have 1 GB, and even that's not enough...well, I can have SL and one other program open, but you should see how much memory and processor resources it uses! It's insane...well, okay...for what it does, it's reasonable. But still, my computer's not that old. I can run it on my Mac laptop, but only if I don't do anything, just use it for chatting with friends...but what fun is that? I hope that it works better with my next computer, whatever that might be. Still not sure if I'll go for an iMac or a PC laptop, with all the bells and whistles. We'll see.
Waterfront Property in Second Life
I'm so thrilled...I found a place to rent in Second Life that's on the beach, yet quiet and secluded. Heck, there's even a dolphin to ride, if I want. If it's named after a beach in real life, I've never heard of it. But I did see a place on my boat ride last night that was named after Emerald Island, which has some choice NC waterfront property. I've only been there once (in real life), but this place was very pretty in Second Life...again, as pretty as computer generated beach front property can be. But for someone who's landlocked in Ohio, it's about as good as it gets until I can take a vacation and hit the beach!
"Cause I'm the Tax Man"
I'm sooo glad that I bought the Home & Business version of the Quicken budgeting software when I freelanced last year. You see...none of the companies I did work for sent me a 1099, so I'm having to rely on my invoices that I sent out for the income I made from them (and I know I made more than $600 from them, so shame on them for not sending them out on time). It generated invoices for me, and kept track of when they were paid. Just wish I didn't owe so much...self-employment tax is awful!
Tornado Season
Now that it's tornado season, I can't help but think that it would be good to have one of those survival kits, just in case my aparment ever gets destroyed. I do live in a more open area than I ever have before, so the thought does cross my mind. Although my only option to protect myself during a tornado is to stand out in the hall of my apartment building...that, or in my bathtub. But, I guess it is always good to be as prepared as one can be for an emergency like that. Just hope I never have to go through it!
Living the Second Life
Last night, a friend of mine took me on a sailboat...in Second Life. It was amazing! I couldn't believe my eyes. It reminded me of being taken on one of those Virgin Island yacht charters, like the one I went on during my 2005 cruise to the Eastern Caribbean. It was so pretty. Well, as pretty as a computer generated sea with beaches and beach houses can be. But still I had a lot of fun just taking in all of the virtual sites. Hope to do it again sometime soon.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Lately, I've Been Thinking...
That it would be good to perhaps get some supplemental insurance, like AFLAC or something. When I was unemployed, I looked into getting my own life insurance. Or should we call it death insurance, since it only pays out on our deaths? Hmmm...
Anyway, I never got any, and now I'm covered by my company up to 2 times my salary...which should be more than enough to cover my funeral expenses and pay off my debts. I guess I should also write up a living will, should I ever be in an accident and become incapacitated. My wish is not to be kept alive on machines...and luckily everyone else in my family feels the same way. But still, I really should look more into this sort of stuff, as I'd hate to leave a mess behind.
Anyway, I never got any, and now I'm covered by my company up to 2 times my salary...which should be more than enough to cover my funeral expenses and pay off my debts. I guess I should also write up a living will, should I ever be in an accident and become incapacitated. My wish is not to be kept alive on machines...and luckily everyone else in my family feels the same way. But still, I really should look more into this sort of stuff, as I'd hate to leave a mess behind.
Tags: life insurance, death insurance, debt, living will
Karma Car
Every year, I always get a new car insurance quote to make sure I'm still paying the lowest amount I can for my needs. If you can believe it, I've had the same insurance since I started driving 20 years ago. And...it's still the least expensive (and decent coverage too)! Can you believe it? I'm always amazed. Anywhere else I'd go, I'd pay through the nose for the type of coverage I have. You see, I have some pretty heavy-duty coverage, because my car seems to attract accidents...like getting hit by a taxi while parked on a street, or broken into, or rear-ended 3 times (I think it has bad karma!). But, I'll still continue to see if I have the least expensive coverage, as I'm always looking to save money!
My New Diet Trick
Okay, so I heard about this cognitive therapy approach to weight loss...basically think thin to be thin. Of course, it's not that easy. There is some actual work involved. But the one thing I took away from what I read was to come up with the real reasons why you want to lose weight, and ask yourself a question using whichever reason is more important to you at the time.
In my case, I ask myself, "Would I rather eat this now, or be a size 8 again?" Basically, what would make me happier in the long run? I don't know why or how, but it seems to be working. Maybe it's because I'm looking at a larger picture of things, because I tend to tell myself, "oh, this piece of chocolate today won't hurt me." But then I eat 5 or 6 of them, many days in a row, and that can hurt my goal. I'm thinking with time, I won't need to try another diet trial.
My next step is to do the same thing with exercise, ask myself, "would I rather watch this show/play on the PC, or would I rather be a size 8 again?" Taking small steps, and doing things in stages is much easier, at least in my experience.
In my case, I ask myself, "Would I rather eat this now, or be a size 8 again?" Basically, what would make me happier in the long run? I don't know why or how, but it seems to be working. Maybe it's because I'm looking at a larger picture of things, because I tend to tell myself, "oh, this piece of chocolate today won't hurt me." But then I eat 5 or 6 of them, many days in a row, and that can hurt my goal. I'm thinking with time, I won't need to try another diet trial.
My next step is to do the same thing with exercise, ask myself, "would I rather watch this show/play on the PC, or would I rather be a size 8 again?" Taking small steps, and doing things in stages is much easier, at least in my experience.
My Dad Almost Went to Las Vegas
A friend of his needed to get out there to pick up a car that someone had left to her in their will. They would have flown out there, then driven back...it's like a 3 or 4 day drive! Normally that'd be okay, but my dad has two compression fractures in his spine, and he can't sit for long periods of time. Thankfully, he came to his senses and decided not to go. Perhaps if they could have stayed longer, perhaps take in all of the Las Vegas scene and some of the impressive Las Vegas real estate, allowing him to recover from the flight...maybe he could have gone. But, I doubt it. Makes me sad for him because he has the will and the means...but his body doesn't have the way.
So, So Sad
Hearing that Elizabeth Edwards, the wife of presidential candidate John Edwards, has metastatic breast cancer really did me in today. I can't believe that he's still going to campaign. Although, I suppose that because it returned in her bones, but not her lungs or liver, is a good sign? I hope so. Because my mother's came back in her liver, and it made her life miserable for 1 1/2 years. So, I hope that her enthusiasm for her husband's run for office helps her get through the tough days ahead for her.
Anyway, I do wish them the best of luck, and I would love to send them some sympathy gifts...but I wouldn't know how to get one to them. Oh well, guess thought and prayer will have to do.
Anyway, I do wish them the best of luck, and I would love to send them some sympathy gifts...but I wouldn't know how to get one to them. Oh well, guess thought and prayer will have to do.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Comparing Dating Sites
Well, now that I'm single again after 2 years, I've found myself looking at all the new online dating sites out on the Web (is it just me, or are there a lot more than there were 2 years ago?). Anyway, there's one called JustSayHi.com, and it purports to be like eHarmony...except that it's free (eHarmony is very expensive, I might add). So, I signed up for a free profile...I mean, it is free, so why not?
While eHarmony has a very extensive personality profile, this site offers the basic tools for people to meet and date. You give your screen name, age, and a brief blurb about yourself to get started. JustSayHi.com is in its infancy stage, however, so there aren't a whole lot of people in my area who have signed up for this. Perhaps it will catch on, as I do like the idea of a free dating site. So if there's anyone out there reading this entry who's looking for a free online dating site, please do take a look at JustSayHi.com. The more people who sign up, the better it will get!
While eHarmony has a very extensive personality profile, this site offers the basic tools for people to meet and date. You give your screen name, age, and a brief blurb about yourself to get started. JustSayHi.com is in its infancy stage, however, so there aren't a whole lot of people in my area who have signed up for this. Perhaps it will catch on, as I do like the idea of a free dating site. So if there's anyone out there reading this entry who's looking for a free online dating site, please do take a look at JustSayHi.com. The more people who sign up, the better it will get!
Friday, March 09, 2007
Yes, My Google PageRank Is Now a 3!
You know what that means? It means I get more posts available to me on PayPerPost.com. I know, it could be a lot better...but I went from 0 to 3 in no time. Not entirely sure how that happened, but I'm glad it did! Between this and my other paying "gigs" that shell out money for advertising on blogs, I've made a pretty decent amount. I'm sure there are people who have made more money writing reviews of websites, but I'm happy with what I've done so far. It's making think that I should look into multiple blogs, although I have a hard enough time with keeping up with this one as it is.
There are higher paying posts as a result of my PageRank too. I'm seeing more and more $10-$15 posts, some even as high as $1000 (but, you need a reaaaaallly high PR for that). If this keeps up...I'll be able to make enough money to live comfortably, not from paycheck to paycheck (my bonus I'm getting next week will also help with that, yay!). This is my third "high" paying post, and I'll be so excited to see the payout in PayPal, a month after it's approved. It seems PayPerPost.com is starting to take off, and the more their star shines...the better it is for all of us who have signed up with this great venture!
There are higher paying posts as a result of my PageRank too. I'm seeing more and more $10-$15 posts, some even as high as $1000 (but, you need a reaaaaallly high PR for that). If this keeps up...I'll be able to make enough money to live comfortably, not from paycheck to paycheck (my bonus I'm getting next week will also help with that, yay!). This is my third "high" paying post, and I'll be so excited to see the payout in PayPal, a month after it's approved. It seems PayPerPost.com is starting to take off, and the more their star shines...the better it is for all of us who have signed up with this great venture!
Tags: PayPerPost, PayPerPost.com, PageRank, blogs, blogging, bloggers
Big, Puppy Dog Eyes Always Get Me
You know those dog commercials that have been running lately, the ones that show cute little fluffy mutts, with big, brown puppy dog eyes in pounds, with voiceovers saying, "I know I can fetch, I know I can rollover and play, but I don't know why I'm in here." Seriously, whoever came up with that ad campaign knows there are folks like me who are total saps, and have to resist the temptation to run to the nearest shelter and get ourselves a dog.
I mean, I'd love a dog...but I live in a 1 bedroom apartment with two older cats. Not only is it already too crowded, but I don't think that'd go over very well with the kitties (you can see them in the photo posted at the top of this blog). That, and I don't have any room for dog supplies. You know, the dog food, the leash, the bath stuff, etc. all take up a lot of room that I don't have. Nor can I afford the costs of a dog. *sigh* So, whenever that commercial comes on, I mute the TV, change the channel, whatever...because really, I am going to have to start chaining myself to something to keep me away from shelters, lest I get a dog that I just can't have right now. Bummer.
I mean, I'd love a dog...but I live in a 1 bedroom apartment with two older cats. Not only is it already too crowded, but I don't think that'd go over very well with the kitties (you can see them in the photo posted at the top of this blog). That, and I don't have any room for dog supplies. You know, the dog food, the leash, the bath stuff, etc. all take up a lot of room that I don't have. Nor can I afford the costs of a dog. *sigh* So, whenever that commercial comes on, I mute the TV, change the channel, whatever...because really, I am going to have to start chaining myself to something to keep me away from shelters, lest I get a dog that I just can't have right now. Bummer.
Tags: pets, dogs, cats, animal shelters, animal rescue, pet supplies, cat supplies, dog supplies
Thursday, March 08, 2007
RockStartUp - Trade Show Boogie!
Have to say, episode 2 of RockStartUp ("Trade Show Boogie") was probably my favorite episode of this reality tv show. Why? First, as a non-morning person myself, it was funny to hear Ted say, "only farmers and children should be up this early" as he got up before 6 AM (I think). Hee! Then it was great to see Ted and Brit hand out stuff to the Today Show crowd that gathers outside the studios each day. As someone who watches the show every morning as I get ready for work, I enjoyed watching how people reacted to getting free stuff, even if they didn't know what it was (everyone loves free stuff!). The PayPerPost signs with what I call cartoon bubbles, where people could write in whatever they wanted, was a genius idea.
Then, they ventured off to the Ad:Tech conference to mix and mingle with ad execs and reps. At first, it seemed to be underwhelming for Ted, as he said it didn't seem like 10,000 people were there. But as the day wore on, they started running out of their business cards! Ted and Brit were both amazed (and pleased!) that they were getting more attention than originally planned. And, of course, as someone who blogs for PayPerPost.com...I was very pleased as well. :)
But perhaps the most fun for me was watching the "Relax" game being played by Ted and Brit. Apparently, you wear this band around your head that reads alpha waves, and compete to see who can be the most relaxed, as evidenced by a ball that moves away from you the more you relax. Ted just couldn't relax...his alpha waves spiked, and the ball ended up at his end. Better luck next time, Ted!
Anyway, I think this a great idea for the folks at PayPerPost.com to show what goes on behind the scenes, and how hard they're working to get their company noticed. I think that they're showing everything they need to show, at least from my perspective (but I'm easy to please). I say kudos to whoever came up with this idea. Keep up the great work!
Tags: Today Show, payperpost, payperpost.com, blogs, Today Show
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Ever Heard of a Place Called Ellijay?
Me neither, until a friend of mine told me about it. It's a small town in northern Georgia, in the Blue Ridge Mountains to be precise. From what I hear, it's a lovely place to get away from it all. The Smoky Mountains have always been a favorite place of mine to visit, so perhaps it's time to take a look at some Ellijay real estate for a cabin rental, or something along those lines.
You'd think I have a vacation spot picked out by now, but I don't. Guess I'm waiting to see if my bonus this year will be any good. My guess is no, since once again my part of the company did great...but the rest of the companies sucked. Maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised, though? I'm not counting on it.
You'd think I have a vacation spot picked out by now, but I don't. Guess I'm waiting to see if my bonus this year will be any good. My guess is no, since once again my part of the company did great...but the rest of the companies sucked. Maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised, though? I'm not counting on it.
Who's Your Daddy?
That's what everyone keeps asking Danilynn Smith...okay, she can't answer because she's 5 months old, but if she could she'd shrug and say, "I have no clue!" Seriously, the fight over the paternity of Anna Nicole Smith's daughter is amazing. I mean, how many men have come forward to claim her as their daughter? I have a gut feeling that it is not Howard K. Stern, but that it is Larry Birkhead. Only DNA testing will tell us that for sure. Can't believe I'm actually following this story, but it's hard to miss when it's considered major news in this country (I mean, it's made it to NPR, I think). Although as soon as this story's over, I'm sure there will be some other sensational entertainment news that will take it's place. Never fear, Hollywood is here!
No Need for Diet Pills in Second Life
Seriously, you can look like a million bucks and not have to exercise or take supplements like Hoodia diet pills in Second Life. It's great! I thought about being a personal trainer in SL...but there's no need for one as you can be as fit, tall, blonde, brunette, red head, leggy, skinny, shapely, what have you, as you want! I myself chose a tall, fit blonde, as I've mentioned before. And it's lots of fun, I have to tell you...especially the shopping. Whereas in real life, I have to try on numerous items, usually with little success...I can buy just about anything I like and have it look fabulous on me. It's a girl's dream come true!
Tags: Hoodia, Second Life, SecondLife
My Favorite Place in Second Life, So Far

Perhaps if I can ever figure out what I want to do on here to earn a SL living, I might be able to afford a virtual beach house. But until then, I'm content to live in my little skybox. It is nice, very private (no one flying around looking in your windows). But I'd love to be able to go out on a deck and listen to the virtual ocean. :)
Tags: Second Life, SecondLife, Vancouver
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