Thursday, April 05, 2007

My Father, The Antique Collector

Since I mentioned my dad in my last post...I just had to bring up the fact that he's bought even more antique stuff, mostly silver. It's truly astonishing the amount of silver, china, and crystal the man owns. But, he collects more power to him! I'd rather him collect stuff like this than have a ton of grandfather clocks, all going off at the same time (the two smaller ones he has are bad enough). It's just going to be very interesting...and very time consuming...when it's his time to go to the life of the world to come. I mean, my brother and I will keep some of it...but since it's not my thing, I can't see keeping all of it. Anything that has sentimental value or a family heirloom will definitely be kept, but if it doesn''ll get sold. Hate to do that, but since I'm not a collector of stuff like this (and neither is my brother), it's what will probably happen. Oh well, c'est la vie!

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