Thursday, June 21, 2007

The Busy Season Is Starting

Oh, how I dream of taking a 2 week vacation. But with all of my work ramping up, I don't see that happening. Long weekends, yes...but 2 weeks, no way. I actually have 3 weeks of vacation to use. I think if I did, I'd look into an Orlando vacation home rental...although I'd have to go in on that with friends, I'm sure. There's no way I could afford to rent a house all by my lonesome. Hotel room, I could do...but not a house. Depressing, really. Okay...not that depressing. Guess I just need to get my life in gear and look into other interests, as I'm never going to get anywhere by complaining about my stead in life, or my work. Definitely need something different. What that is, I have no idea. So I better figure that out before I start anything. Ah, a new project! Just what I need, heh.

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