Thursday, June 28, 2007

Tech Geek Speak Coming Up

At work, I have a 22" widescreen LCD monitor...and it rocks. What's funny is, my department has had them for a few years now, before they became popular and cheap. You see, the powers-that-be wanted us to start proofing pages on screen. That's hard to do on a 15" CRT monitor. We said, "sure, give us something that will allow us to see a 2-page spread at 100%, and we'll proof stuff on screen." Took awhile, but we finally got them. We were the envy of just about everyone, heh. Now, more and more people are getting them, so they don't have quite the same "luster" that they once did. Next on the list is laptops...apparently they've been ordered. I'll keep my fingers crossed that they get here soon, before I go insane with all this data entry that I'm going to have to do over the next few weeks. It'll be nice to be able to do that from home!

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