Thursday, June 28, 2007

Waxing Nostalgic

Hard to believe that it was 20 years ago the last time I stayed at Fernandina Beach, Florida, where I spent a great deal of summers as a little girl. When my grandfather died in 1980, my grandmother sold the beach house...and when I say beach house, I mean a house right on the beach. My dad and uncle kick themselves still for not going in on the purchase of it together, because they could make a killing off of renting it out.

Anyway, my grandmother felt bad about selling it, so instead she'd get a place at one of those condo hotels in Fernandina. Not quite the same as a house, but it worked. But the last time we did that, I was 16...and now I'm 36. She passed away back in 2005, and didn't go to the beach much in her last years (she grew up in Jacksonville it's part of who she was). I'll still look back on the times we spent at that house (and even the condo) with fond memories, that's for sure. I'd like to do that with my dad and brother, just for old times' sake. :) We talk about renting the house someday...but it hasn't happened yet.

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