If I find something entertaining, it will get posted here, hence the title "What Entertains Me". And yes, I'm very sarcastic, so get over that before you read it. Anything from television, politics, weather, food, music...anything that strikes me as funny will be discussed.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
RockbottomPrices.com Rocks!
You know, one thing I learned from A (my "ex" now) is how to save a little money, although he will always be better at it because he's one thing I'm not...patient. One thing he liked was being able to buy direct for wholesale prices. I've been thinking about getting a new PC, a laptop specifically, and RockBottomPrices.com has one for a pretty decent price (a higher-end HP laptop for only $681.62!). I just pay $99 to join (much like joining wholesale clubs in general), and have access to their special pricing. I might just join...once I have $99 to spare (I have to pay taxes this year, so I'm going to have to tighten my belt the next month or two). 
Oy, Enough with Britney and Anna Nicole Smith Already!
I just read a post on DListed.com that said she's going to need rehab to get over all of the Britney Spears and Anna Nicole Smith coverage. I'm with her! Seriously, it's getting ridiculous. Why I can understand the fascination with all of it (it's like a car wreck you can't look away from), I'd really rather not have the custody hearing over Anna Nicole Smith's body be a top news story that flashes across the screen, or comes after a segment on how the Dow had a correction yesterday.
Even worse, where she should have the ultimate privacy, and her condition should not be making it into the press...it seems that Brit-Brit (as some blogs call her) might just have post-partum depression. Totally makes sense to me. While I do think she has other issues, namely not being able to handle fame well and turning to substance abuse because of it, PPD could be an underlying issue no one thought about. Maybe it's a ploy by her publicist...but if it isn't, then I'm glad they discovered it. She can get help for the PPD and for the substance abuse while she's there and hopefully get her act cleaned up. Because, while we all are drawn to celebrities out of control stories, it's the celebrities who overcome substance abuse/depression/PPD (what have you) that make the best stories.
Even worse, where she should have the ultimate privacy, and her condition should not be making it into the press...it seems that Brit-Brit (as some blogs call her) might just have post-partum depression. Totally makes sense to me. While I do think she has other issues, namely not being able to handle fame well and turning to substance abuse because of it, PPD could be an underlying issue no one thought about. Maybe it's a ploy by her publicist...but if it isn't, then I'm glad they discovered it. She can get help for the PPD and for the substance abuse while she's there and hopefully get her act cleaned up. Because, while we all are drawn to celebrities out of control stories, it's the celebrities who overcome substance abuse/depression/PPD (what have you) that make the best stories.
My Dad's Health
My poor dad suffers from a mild case of gout. Since I'm a big believer in natural remedies (heck, apple cider vinegar was the best thing to happen to my skin in a long time!), I'm trying to find some information on home gout treatments for him. There's not a whole lot out there, but I did stumble upon a website that seems to have some good recommendations. Although I can tell right now that these won't work for him, mainly because he already does most of the suggested lifestyle changes...and because I think of the medication he's on for various ailments is really his issue. But I think for people who suffer from idiopathic gout (that is, gout with no other causes), this might be helpful information. And, they are good lifestyle changes for anyone, really.
Can't...Stop...Second Life
Second Life truly amazes me, and also sort of scares me a little with how addictive it is. Of course, I did just break up with A after two years...so I'm not really in the mood to do much of anything, and SL has been sort of a safe haven for me (not to mention a small booster of self-esteem). And, it's new, and when I have a new toy to play with, I sort of get obsessed with it. I feel like there's so much to learn from it (useful stuff, like digital design!), and I'm having fun at the same time.
It's so easy to spend all of my free time on there. Heck, it's taken me away from the television...and I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing, since I also have Tivo (I'm leaning toward it being a bad, actually). As such, I know is that it's not helping my tendency to be more of a couch potato than I'd like. I mean, when I can look like a million bucks on SL without so much as a situp, it's easy to use it as an excuse not to exercise (a pathetic excuse, yes...but one nonetheless). And, I'm meeting so many people from around the world, and actually living the life
Luckily, spring is on the way, and I will want to get outside more and more to soak up that vitamin D. I'll have more energy than I do right now, with the longer days and shorter nights. So I'm thinking I'll spend less time on SL than I do now...I hope that's the case, or I'm doomed!
It's so easy to spend all of my free time on there. Heck, it's taken me away from the television...and I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing, since I also have Tivo (I'm leaning toward it being a bad, actually). As such, I know is that it's not helping my tendency to be more of a couch potato than I'd like. I mean, when I can look like a million bucks on SL without so much as a situp, it's easy to use it as an excuse not to exercise (a pathetic excuse, yes...but one nonetheless). And, I'm meeting so many people from around the world, and actually living the life
Luckily, spring is on the way, and I will want to get outside more and more to soak up that vitamin D. I'll have more energy than I do right now, with the longer days and shorter nights. So I'm thinking I'll spend less time on SL than I do now...I hope that's the case, or I'm doomed!
Tags: journal, Second Life, SecondLife
Friday, February 23, 2007
My Pen Obsession
When my job used to be more editorial and less paper-pusher in nature, I had a collection of colored pens that would astound most anyone. You name the color, I had it. When there were 6 different people making comments on hard copy, having something besides red, blue, or black was a necessity. So, I found myself some purple, hot pink, and even orange fine-tipped pens to do the trick. Now that I do most of my editing in Adobe Acrobat, my pen collection has dwindled to just a few colors. And, sadly, I don't get to use them much. So I find myself taking my purple, pink, and orange pens to meetings, just so that I get some use out of my collection...and so they don't feel left out, heh (kidding!).
Tags: pens, colored pens, Acrobat, editorial
My Father and His Antiques
Oy. My dad is an antique collector, silver mainly. He just went on an eBay shopping spree and got some lovely items to add to his collection. We have so many heirlooms, it's unreal. There's this miniature grandfather clock that I have always admired, and it did belong to his grandfather. It's from the 19th century, and it runs like a charm. It's also very elegant in its appearance, not gaudy or outlandish. It has to be wound every Sunday, like clockwork (pun intended), and it chimes every hour and half hour. It's one of the few things that I would actually fight my brother over (okay, not really...but I would pout a little), as it does have sentimental value. And for anyone who cares, it's a Seth Thomas clock. So, I guess I do share some of his love for antiques. :)
Tags: antiques, antique, grandfather clock, eBay
A Cincinnati Tradition
Here we are in Lent again. Did I give up anything? Nope. The last time I successfully gave anything up was about 7 years ago. I was at the same weight I am now, and I gave up carbs. Yes, I went on a low-carb diet, and I lost 20 pounds. Was it worth it? Totally. Would I do a low-carb diet again? No way. Love my bread and pasta way too much.
Anyway, soon, it will be time for the devoted Catholics of Cincinnati to get out their rosaries and climb the steps up to the Holy Cross Immaculata Church. On what day does this happen? Good Friday, of course. It's a steep climb, and on each step you're supposed to stop and say a "hail Mary". I myself am not Catholic (a large majority of the population is, thanks to Cincinnati being settled by mostly German Catholics), but it's an interesting sight to behold.
Anyway, soon, it will be time for the devoted Catholics of Cincinnati to get out their rosaries and climb the steps up to the Holy Cross Immaculata Church. On what day does this happen? Good Friday, of course. It's a steep climb, and on each step you're supposed to stop and say a "hail Mary". I myself am not Catholic (a large majority of the population is, thanks to Cincinnati being settled by mostly German Catholics), but it's an interesting sight to behold.
Feeling Homesick
Before I moved up to Dayton, the landlord of my 2-family in Cincinnati was getting bids on painting the exterior of the house. I was so excited, because it was a wood shingle house that was in bad, bad need of a paint job (it was a dark, rusty brown color that had seen better days). I thought the next tenant would be lucky enough to live in a house that was not only spiffy on the inside, but also the outside.
So, imagine my surprise when I drove past it for a visit the other day, only to see that he'd never had it painted. Wonder what happened? Perhaps it was too expensive? Maybe I know nothing about the price to paint a house, but I can't imagine it was *that* expensive. Granted, the wood shingles would be challenging...but still. If the gas heat weren't so pricey in the winter, I'd love to move back into that place. The location was great, the landlord was wonderful, and the apartment was cute as a button. For all I know, he's sold the place as it tripled in value just in the time I lived in it. Who knows? But I will definitely look around that area of town again when I move back. I miss it, actually. Guess I am homesick, now that I'm no longer with A.
So, imagine my surprise when I drove past it for a visit the other day, only to see that he'd never had it painted. Wonder what happened? Perhaps it was too expensive? Maybe I know nothing about the price to paint a house, but I can't imagine it was *that* expensive. Granted, the wood shingles would be challenging...but still. If the gas heat weren't so pricey in the winter, I'd love to move back into that place. The location was great, the landlord was wonderful, and the apartment was cute as a button. For all I know, he's sold the place as it tripled in value just in the time I lived in it. Who knows? But I will definitely look around that area of town again when I move back. I miss it, actually. Guess I am homesick, now that I'm no longer with A.
Tags: Cincinnati, Dayton, homesick, price to paint a house
Driving Around the Reserve
You know, I wish my apartment complex had a better address plaque system. Because finding my place is always hard, as the number on my building is hard to read. The other day, a friend of mine was planning on stopping by, but he had to call me from the parking lot to find out which building was mine. Luckily, I saw him driving around and was able to tell him to look to his right. Then it was clear where I lived. But still, it'd be nice if they could post better signs or something. Because he's not the first I've had to do that with.
I can't wait to move back to Cincinnati so that I can live in a 2-family again and have a "real" address that's easier to find than the winding driveways that make up my complex. Can't move until much later this year, though. *sigh* If I had the money, I'd break my lease and move back now so that I didn't have to make my 40 minute commute everyday, to and from work. Alas, though, I shall have to wait until my 9 month lease is up. *sigh* I'm soooo impatient sometimes...
I can't wait to move back to Cincinnati so that I can live in a 2-family again and have a "real" address that's easier to find than the winding driveways that make up my complex. Can't move until much later this year, though. *sigh* If I had the money, I'd break my lease and move back now so that I didn't have to make my 40 minute commute everyday, to and from work. Alas, though, I shall have to wait until my 9 month lease is up. *sigh* I'm soooo impatient sometimes...
Tags: journal, Cincinnati, address plaque
Dear Britney...
I am not sure what is going through your mind right now, Britney Spears, but I am glad you are finally getting help, perhaps in an alcohol detox center, or just plain old rehab. And, it seems you've stayed for more than 24 hours. That's great! I've never really been a fan, but as someone who grew up with a parent who was an alcoholic and went through alcohol detoxification successfully, I understand the pain you're causing yourself and your family. I hate to see anyone go through what you seem to be going through.
For what it's worth, I wish the paparazzi would leave you alone, as I can't imagine going through something as personal as rehab with cameras following your every move. Please, for the sake of your two children and your family, stay in the alcohol rehab program (or wherever it is you are). Don't let yourself be fame's bitch, as I like to say. You can control your own fate. It's up to you to stop your downward spiral. You were once highly successful and seemed to be in control. That person still exists somewhere in your psyche. Dig down deep and find her again. You will be so glad you did. Trust me.
For what it's worth, I wish the paparazzi would leave you alone, as I can't imagine going through something as personal as rehab with cameras following your every move. Please, for the sake of your two children and your family, stay in the alcohol rehab program (or wherever it is you are). Don't let yourself be fame's bitch, as I like to say. You can control your own fate. It's up to you to stop your downward spiral. You were once highly successful and seemed to be in control. That person still exists somewhere in your psyche. Dig down deep and find her again. You will be so glad you did. Trust me.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Hi, my name is Elizabeth Fonda, and I am a SecondLife Addict

The next task I've set up for myself is to find a job in SL. I'm thinking of taking some digital art classes so that I can create digital "wares" in SL and sell it (writing jobs in SL are few and far between, really...otherwise, I'd be all over that). I have some RL photos I can upload into SL, and I've figured out how to create basic prims (the building blocks for anything you see in SL). So I guess I need to spend some time working on that whole process, as it does look tedious. It's frustrating, because as with everything...I want it to happen quickly. But if there's one thing I've learned, it's that SL is anything but easy to learn.
But what I am enjoying the most is meeting people from all over the world, in different time zones, with all sorts of different experiences to share. So my experience should make for some great blog entries. Stay tuned for more!
Tags: SecondLife, Second Life, SL, journal
File this under "Oops!"
Some residents of a small Texas town got a late notice from their electric company, saying they owed 24 billion dollars. And here I was whining about my $100 electric bill. Think I might have actually had a stroke or a heart attack if I had been one of the recipients...
Even better...a New Zealand arborist who got stuck in a tree was slammed into another tree by his rescue team. Methinks they need remedial rescue training? Ow.
And, what "oops" news item would I be remiss in leaving out? Oh yes, the whole Britney Spears ordeal. People, just leave her alone. Maybe then she might be able to finish a stint in rehab? At least that is what I'd like to think. She needs a lot of help. But all the help in the world won't save her from herself. I'd hate to see her succumb to the same fate as Anna Nicole Smith.
Fame. It's a bitch, if you don't know how to handle it.
Even better...a New Zealand arborist who got stuck in a tree was slammed into another tree by his rescue team. Methinks they need remedial rescue training? Ow.
And, what "oops" news item would I be remiss in leaving out? Oh yes, the whole Britney Spears ordeal. People, just leave her alone. Maybe then she might be able to finish a stint in rehab? At least that is what I'd like to think. She needs a lot of help. But all the help in the world won't save her from herself. I'd hate to see her succumb to the same fate as Anna Nicole Smith.
Fame. It's a bitch, if you don't know how to handle it.
Tags: Britney Spears, Anna Nicole Smith, entertainment, news
Friday, February 16, 2007
PayPerPost's New Affiliate Program
I have to give credit to these people. We ask for certain things to help out our blogs, and make money in return. While my site doesn't generate traffic that much, I'm hoping that will change with this new affiliate program. You see, they have set up a way for us bloggers to make money without posting advertisements. Now, I can place a button at the end of any of my personal posts, and if someone signs up with PayPerPost and then blogs about the post on their blog, I get paid! I can't wait to try it out.
Granted, a lot of my posts are advertising posts these days. But when I have free time, I just love to write about whatever's on my mind. Lately, I've been spending lots and lots of time on SecondLife, so I have the feeling most of my blog entries will come from my experiences on there. And lord knows what else will happen in politics, entertainment (although I wish the whole Anna Nicole Smith thing would just go away, and that they'd leave Britney Spears alone). So maybe, just maybe...this program will help me make a little more money, and perhaps drive some traffic to my site. At least, that's what I'm hoping for!
Granted, a lot of my posts are advertising posts these days. But when I have free time, I just love to write about whatever's on my mind. Lately, I've been spending lots and lots of time on SecondLife, so I have the feeling most of my blog entries will come from my experiences on there. And lord knows what else will happen in politics, entertainment (although I wish the whole Anna Nicole Smith thing would just go away, and that they'd leave Britney Spears alone). So maybe, just maybe...this program will help me make a little more money, and perhaps drive some traffic to my site. At least, that's what I'm hoping for!
Okay, Can the Snow Stop Now
For the past two weeks, we've had snowstorms. And in this part of the country where we do get snow, but not very often...that's a lot. It's making me feel very dreary and depressed, to be honest, because I hate driving in snow and ice (that's what we got this last round). My energy level is at its lowest in a long time. There are many factors that are contributing to this, but winter is probably the biggest. And a nasty winter isn't helping. I sure could use an energy boost. Maybe getting off my butt and exercising again would help. It usually does. But when all I want to do is stay warm under a pile of blankets (it's been in the single digits lately...and negative digits today!), it's hard to get moving. Where's that early spring the groundhog forecasted??? I'm ready.
Friday, February 09, 2007
Ex Boyfriends
Not sure why, but I had this sudden urge to see what an ex-boyfriend of mine was up to. He moved out to California to be a rocket scientist (yes, a rocket scientist...for real) back in 2001, ending our rather doomed relationship. So, I Googled his name and came up with links to a bunch of scientific papers, and even a Google video of an interview with him on his "novel view of space and time."
But what I also found was a website with a short bio, and some pictures of him in various social venues, one of which was in Las Vegas. Not sure if it was one of those Las Vegas luxury condos, or a resort, or whatever...but it looks like he hasn't changed. He was drinking beer with his buddies, looking like he didn't have a care in the world. Have to say, I'm jealous of his lifestyle. He lives on Redondo Beach in what looks like a very nice apartment (I saw some photo albums of his birthday parties...it's amazing what you can find without looking too hard).
I have no desire whatsoever to get back together with him. He is, to make an understatement, a jackass and a jerk. He's a lot of fun, but my relationship with him made me feel like I could never be good enough for him...and no one does that to me for very long. But, it was fun to see that he hasn't changed...and that he's not married (no big surprise there, heh).
But what I also found was a website with a short bio, and some pictures of him in various social venues, one of which was in Las Vegas. Not sure if it was one of those Las Vegas luxury condos, or a resort, or whatever...but it looks like he hasn't changed. He was drinking beer with his buddies, looking like he didn't have a care in the world. Have to say, I'm jealous of his lifestyle. He lives on Redondo Beach in what looks like a very nice apartment (I saw some photo albums of his birthday parties...it's amazing what you can find without looking too hard).
I have no desire whatsoever to get back together with him. He is, to make an understatement, a jackass and a jerk. He's a lot of fun, but my relationship with him made me feel like I could never be good enough for him...and no one does that to me for very long. But, it was fun to see that he hasn't changed...and that he's not married (no big surprise there, heh).
Tags: Las Vegas, Google, Google video, California, ex-boyfriends, relationship
It's a Mystery
Not that I was a huge fan of Anna Nicole Smith, but I am sad to hear that she passed away yesterday. No one's sure yet of the cause of death, but my guess is she probably was on so many anti-anxiety drugs to cope with the loss of her son, the paternity "scandal" over her 5-month-old baby, and then this whole Trimspa mess, she just took the wrong combination and paid the ultimate price for it.
What's so weird is, one of the potential fathers (Larry Birkhead, not Howard K. Stern, I think) wants some of her DNA before she's buried so that it can go to one of those DNA testing services to determine the paternity of her daughter. Huh? Wouldn't they need his DNA for that? I find this all very weird. But then, she led a less than normal life, so I guess the circus will continue even after her death. It's all very sad and tragic, especially for her 5-month old daughter, Dannielynn. I just hope they can get it all straightened out quickly, for everyone's sake.
What's so weird is, one of the potential fathers (Larry Birkhead, not Howard K. Stern, I think) wants some of her DNA before she's buried so that it can go to one of those DNA testing services to determine the paternity of her daughter. Huh? Wouldn't they need his DNA for that? I find this all very weird. But then, she led a less than normal life, so I guess the circus will continue even after her death. It's all very sad and tragic, especially for her 5-month old daughter, Dannielynn. I just hope they can get it all straightened out quickly, for everyone's sake.
Friday, February 02, 2007
Saving Money
Yes, I'm still in saving money mode. Someday, perhaps I will not live paycheck to paycheck, but for now that's just not possible. So, it's nice when there is a website like eBates, which gives you rebates anywhere from 1-25% on your online purchases from any number of the 800 stores you can find. For instance, you get a 6% rebate from drugstore.com, one of my favorite online retailers. All you need is an e-mail address (membership is totally free). Each quarter, you will get mailed a check (their "Big Fat Check") or have a deposit made to your PayPal account for the total amount you made in your rebates. There are also coupons and store specials.
I use it all of the time, and I have to say it's really nice getting that deposit in my PayPal account (my Christmas shopping alone will net me a nice deposit). I mean, I do a lot (and I mean a lot) of my shopping online, so why not benefit from it somehow? At the very least, it offsets the cost of shipping somewhat.
I use it all of the time, and I have to say it's really nice getting that deposit in my PayPal account (my Christmas shopping alone will net me a nice deposit). I mean, I do a lot (and I mean a lot) of my shopping online, so why not benefit from it somehow? At the very least, it offsets the cost of shipping somewhat.
Tags: saving money, paycheck, PayPal, rebates
Looks like Bush is back to his old self. In a posting only a few days ago, I thought perhaps someone had kidnapped him and replaced him with someone a little more in touch with reality. But today, my assumption was proved wrong. Despite the fact that the world's top climate analysts point the fingers at humanity for the steep rise in greenhouse gases, which exacerbates global warming, Bush is refusing to put a cap on the greenhouse gas emissions made by the U.S. (we emit over 25% of the gases). His spokesperson for this subject says it would negatively impact the economy, cause job losses, etc. Well, I have news for him...the increasingly severe weather we'll face, not to mention the disappearing coast lines, will have much more of an impact on humanity than just their finances! It's this unbelieveable shortsightedness and unwillingness to listen to ANYONE who knows what they're talking about that burns me up (no pun intended). How much longer does this man have in office? Too long.
Tags: global warming, greenhouse gases, climate, politics, Bush
My Apartment Needs an Update
I have an odd hodgepodge of furniture, namely stuff that's been given to me over the years that I want to keep (heirloom-type furniture) and nice, new IKEA furniture. If I could afford a rental space, I'd keep the old furniture there for whenever I buy a house. Maybe when I do find a house, I'll go to the HomeandLiving.com site where I've found a line called Powell furniture. It would go nicely with some of my older furniture, especially my bedroom. I'll keep this in mind. Not that I'm planning on buying a home anytime soon, but you never know.
File Under, "Go Figure"
You know, I've been back at this job for 9 months now, and I have yet to get business cards? My manager sent me a template to fill out, back when I started, but nothing's ever come of it. Yesterday, my department's assistant sent me another template to fill out. Ummm...what happened to the request that was made NINE MONTHS AGO??? Not that it's a big deal. I don't really need them, except to put into fishbowls at restaurants (heh). But still, it's kind of outrageous that nothing's ever come of my first attempt at getting them (and I didn't even request them...I was approached about getting them). Oh well, only another 3 months before I can apply for another job in this company anyway and get the heck out of this department. I can hardly wait!
Tags: business cards, work, journal, diary
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