Wednesday, August 08, 2007


You know what I'm doing right now (besides writing a blog entry, obviously)? I'm watching a repeat of the The Colbert Report, using closed captioning. No, I'm not deaf...I just can't write and listen to the TV at the same time, at least sometimes anyway. I get distracted too easily, and I end up forgetting what I was going to say...especially with a show as good as The Colbert Report or The Daily Show. It's way too easy to get sucked into one of their stories...and you can't just listen, you have to watch. So as I read the captioning, if I become intrigued...I pause it so I can rewind it and watch it, after I've finished my writing. If you don't have a DVR through your cable service or Tivo (I heart my Tivo, I really do), get it. It makes watching TV an entirely different experience. Combined with closed won't miss a thing. :)

1 comment:

Therese said...

I find closed captioning very useful too!