Wednesday, August 08, 2007

SmartWater, Fiji Water, Aquafina, Dasani...

Have you heard about some of the larger cities banning bottled water? They're trying to do it in L.A., where bottled water became a status symbol lord knows how many years ago? I want to see them prying bottles of SmartWater out of Jennifer Aniston's hands! Now, they are doing it for a good reason. You see...people aren't recycling the plastic bottles like they should be, so they're all ending up in landfills. Bad! Some places are trying to push their tap water. And I'm going to say right now that if Dayton and/or Cincinnati ever do this, their mayors will get stuff thrown at them...the tap water tastes like freakin' pool water! So what's an environmentally conscious person who hates their tap water supposed to do? I have seen a reuseable water bottle filter, but I don't remember, of course. Guess I could always do another search, but I'll also need to search for a reusable water bottle, one that can be used with this filter. Of course, I have filtered water at work...and at home...but, it might be nice to take with me on bike rides and the like, you know? Then I'll be one less person pitching their plastic bottles. That'd be nice. :)

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