Thursday, October 12, 2006

A Little Ditty, About Jack and Sayid, and Sun, and...

Okay, so I'm still hooked on Lost. Granted, it's only the second show of the season, but there's no way I'll stop watching it, unless they kill of all of the people I just mentioned. What is it with this show? Do I enjoy the punishment of having questions raised with Every. Single. Show? I guess so. I mean, why is Ben going to set Jack free, if he does what he says? Why are they having Kate and Sawyer do chain-gang work? Why did Sayid think the Others would go to the fire he built, rather than the boat tethered to their dock (and in clear view of the fire)? Why, why why? *sigh* Guess I'll just have to tune in and see...for more torture. Again, damn you J.J. Abrams!

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