Thursday, October 19, 2006

Republicans to Lose Power? I'll Believe It When I See It.

The latest poll from MSNBC and The Wall Street Journal shows that people are generally pissed off with the Republican party. Bush's approval rating is 38%, and the disapproval rating for Congress is 84% (only 16% approval). That spells bad news for the current majority party, methinks...heh heh heh. :) Not that Democrats are highly favored either, but people just want a change. It's about damn time!

Why am I not more excited? Well, with the 2004 elections being fixed in Ohio, I am wondering what Karl Rove has up his sleeve to protect his precious president from being impeached. Because you know he will be if the Democrats get control of both the House and Senate. But then, that'd leave us with Cheney as our president...and I don't know which is worse, him or Bush. Could we just impeach both of them? Then we'd get the Speaker of the House, who will more than likely be a Democrat (the House has a better chance of changing power than the Senate). Woo hoo! I can dream, can't I? :)

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