Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Personal Trainers Are the Bomb!

Ow...ow...OW! Okay, now that I've gotten that out of my system...

Last night I went back to my personal trainer, who I haven't seen for about a month due to some circumstances beyond my control, mainly my grandfather's passing, and then my gallbladder deciding to freak out on me (which is still an issue, by the way). My God! He put me through the wringer, to put it nicely. I can barely move my legs, and my abs are starting to even breathing is a bit painful. But, it's what I signed up for...and what I pay him to do!

It was interesting, but he had me do a circuit like I've never done before, which involved step work, lunges, mountain climbers (think doing pushups, but with switching out your legs), squats, and then a boatload of crunches and hip raises using a fitness ball. Holy moly! I'm kind of hoping he has me do that from now on, because it really works what I want to be worked.

Then, in a few weeks, I will be taking ice skating lessons with my boyfriend (that's another entire blog entry - we worked things out, basically). Between the two, I should have a nice lower body, methinks...and that's the area I am most concerned with. I'm also hoping it will help me when he wants to go skiing, because the last time I legs just could not take the strain, and I ended up sitting at the lodge by myself. No fun! Well, neither is the punishment my trainer is putting me through, but as long as I get the results I's okay by me. :)

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