Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Oy, Enough with Britney and Anna Nicole Smith Already!

I just read a post on that said she's going to need rehab to get over all of the Britney Spears and Anna Nicole Smith coverage. I'm with her! Seriously, it's getting ridiculous. Why I can understand the fascination with all of it (it's like a car wreck you can't look away from), I'd really rather not have the custody hearing over Anna Nicole Smith's body be a top news story that flashes across the screen, or comes after a segment on how the Dow had a correction yesterday.

Even worse, where she should have the ultimate privacy, and her condition should not be making it into the seems that Brit-Brit (as some blogs call her) might just have post-partum depression. Totally makes sense to me. While I do think she has other issues, namely not being able to handle fame well and turning to substance abuse because of it, PPD could be an underlying issue no one thought about. Maybe it's a ploy by her publicist...but if it isn't, then I'm glad they discovered it. She can get help for the PPD and for the substance abuse while she's there and hopefully get her act cleaned up. Because, while we all are drawn to celebrities out of control stories, it's the celebrities who overcome substance abuse/depression/PPD (what have you) that make the best stories.

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