Wednesday, December 13, 2006

My Annual Car Insurance "Check Up"

I have dealt with car insurance more than I care to in the past 2 years or so. And, I'm always checking my car insurance estimate with different companies to see how my rates compare. This year, I stumbled across, a website which allows consumers to get online car insurance quotes from many different car insurance companies, one of them being Geico.

While looking at Geico's rates, I stumbled across this brochure in their driving safety section called "Teens and Trucks," focusing on how to show teen drivers to drive more safely around trucks and tractor trailers. While this is geared toward teens, I think this is useful information that everyone should be reminded of, like staying out of a truck's blind spots (if you can't see their mirrors, they can't see you!), using caution when passing a truck, avoiding cutting trucks off (pulling too closely in front of them when passing), and not getting involved in a "Squeeze Play" when trucks need to make wide turns. It's all common sense, but sometimes we need a little reminder when it comes to driving safety, I think.

1 comment:

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