Saturday, December 16, 2006

The Office Christmas Party

How could I forget to write about this? I haven't been to one in, oh, 5 years now? Last year, I was unemployed. The year before that, I just didn't feel like going...and all those other years, too. But, I figured I should at least make an appearance this year, as it did sound like it had the potential to be fun. At the very least, I'd get to consume adult beverages on my company's bill, heh. There was karaoke and some greasy bar food, since we had rented a sports bar for our party. Turned out not to be a bad venue. And, after everyone had had enough to drink...the karaoke started. And no, I didn't partake...I'd need way more alcohol than I was ready to consume that night. So, am I glad I went? Sure! Now I only have family stuff to go to, and that's always fun. But, I sure do miss Mom around this time of year...

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