Sunday, December 31, 2006

Bittersweet Symphony That's Life

Here it is yet again...New Year's Eve. I have a love/hate relationship with this day, because it makes me look back on a year that has not gone as well as I would have liked (that's the hate part). But, it also allows me to feel hopeful (things have sucked big time, lately) that maybe, just maybe...this coming year will be better? Although, I have hoped that for the last three years, but it hasn't worked out like I would have liked.

I almost never have resolutions, because I know I won't stick to losing my extra 20 pounds I've gained since I started seeing my current SO. But, I have to lose this weight. I've just seen pictures of myself...and I don't like what I see. The only thing that is different about this year than last year is...I'm seeing a personal trainer. I have been for 4 weeks straight. Granted, I did not follow any sort of diet...and I think I might have actually GAINED weight (or maybe my muscles are bigger, therefore making things a little tighter?). But, with the new year...I am going to try to follow some sort of diet...not anything crazy, like low-carb. Because, let's face it...I'm not getting any younger, and this weight is not going to magically fall off of me like it has in the past when I exercised at such a high intensity. Truly, I need to find a way to eat more sensibly, and just say "no" when my skinny boyfriend asks me if I want some of the peanut butter chocolate chip cookies he just made. Will I be able to? Aye, there's the rub. I can say it all I want...but I actually have to follow through with it. Maybe this year, what I set my mind to do, will actually happen...

Friday, December 29, 2006

Adsense Advice

*Note: This is a paid advertisement/review.*

As someone with Adsense on their blog, I'm always looking for advice on how to increase my revenue from this program. So when I got the opportunity to review John Gall's search engine marketing blog, I thought why not? It looks like this guy has a lot of experience with creating websites to generate income from Adsense. He's been running over 200 websites that use Google Adsense for over two years, and it looks like he's been fairly profitable. The entry with advice on certain niches is something I think I might try to integrate into my websites that use Adsense. While this is a new blog with not a whole lot of entries, I have the idea that if he keeps up with the advice, he'll attract a lot of visitors. I'll be bookmarking this site for sure!

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Touchdown Jesus

In my trips back and forth to Cincinnati, I get to witness what is possibly the most astounding thing on the road today, a larger than life Jesus statue. I can tell you from experience, pictures do not do it justice. Some people call it "Touchdown Jesus" or "Drowning Jesus" (my personal favorite, since he supposedly walked on water. I've also heard the name "Buttercream Jesus" as he does look like he's made out of tasty frosting. But, alas...we are supposed to take this seriously. Seriously? I just can't, especially when not too far down from it is a Hustler store with a giant road sign. Heh.

Anyway, if you haven't seen it...and you're driving down I-75 sometime, you can't miss it. Don't let it scare you, either. One time, it did...the first time I drove up I-75 after it had been completed, actually. Really, it's a monstrosity. And I'm not sure Jesus would appreciate being depicted as drowning, with a cross as his life preserver. Then again, maybe not? I mean, Jesus was a pretty cool guy, from what I understand. Maybe he'd get a good laugh out of it, just like a lot of us down here in Cincinnati/Dayton do.

Christmas Hangover

I spent last weekend driving back and forth between Dayton and Cincinnati. From Saturday through Tuesday, I made the trip. That's a grand total of 8 trips up and down I-75. Ugh. It's only a 45 minute trip, but when you do it that many days in a gets tiresome. My trip on Tuesday was unplanned, as it was to my boyfriend's youngest sister's impromptu wedding, which we only found out about Christmas Eve when his dad's side of the family came to visit. Now I'm at work, bitter as ever...still smarting over my manager not letting me work from home. I just hope that this coming year gets better, really. Seriously, the last three years have been, well, challenging to say the least. It's time I got a break. Perhaps 2007 will be the year without major drama? We'll see.

Coupons Galore

Disclaimer: This is a paid post for

Now that the holiday shopping season is pretty much over, I'm now scouring the Internet for deals, coupons, etc. as prices tend to plummet after Christmas. I love all of the coupon code sites out there, like this site has for Target coupons. If you're looking for a coupon code has a ton of coupon code links to online stores like Apple, Dell, Staples, etc. So, it looks like yet another site will be going in my bookmarks!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Don't Forget Your Adjectives!

Oh, how I love The Daily Show. This clip is near and dear to my heart, as I am an editor by trade. Just wait until the end, you'll see what I mean...

Boyfriend Is Remodeling His Condo

But the one thing he won't go near is power supply repair. I don't blame him, because the thought of getting accidentally electrocuted scares the bejesus out of me. So, he relies on electricians for any rewiring he needs to have done.

Luckily, that's not the biggest issue in his condo. He's tackling the upstairs loft first, and is then going to work on the bathroom. It's got, get this...carpet on the floor? Whoever decided to do that was an idiot. I can't imagine the amount of mold growing in the carpet and padding beneath. While it is warm to the feet, it just grosses me out. If we ever move in together, it will be top on my list of things that need to be ripped out and replaced, that's for sure.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Won't Be Going to NC for Christmas This Year

In the past, we have gone down to Greensboro, NC for Christmas to visit my dad's family. We started doing it right after my mom died, and I have to admit, I enjoyed doing that. But now that it's been a few years, I like being able to stay at home and relax a little, not have to worry about packing a suitcase and driving for 8 hours. We also used to stop by Raleigh and visit my step-grandfather's family. Every now and then, I like to look at Apex NC real estate to see what the houses are going for in that general area, and I have to say that it's a little out of my range (total understatement). But, it's still fun to see all the houses. Perhaps someday, I'll move to that part of the country. So it's good to know what I need to set my sights on.

Television Shows and the Holiday Hiatus

Last night, I was thinking how I can't wait for new episodes of House and Heroes (my new favorite show) to return, and I remembered that it's been a few weeks without Desperate Housewives. Yes, it's one of my vices. Will Gabby get pregnant again and need to get a paternity test like she did before? Will Bree see through Orson's lies? Is Susan really going to stay away from Mike at her new boyfriend's "request"? In all honesty, I understand why they go on "hiatus" during this time, but I do miss my shows a bit.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Bush Is Considering More Troops in Iraq???

Uh, did he not listen to what the voters had to say this past election??? We said we wanted out of Iraq, as soon as possible...not, "send more troops to die" if I recall correctly. Because, that is what will happen. And where will these additional troops come from? Are they going to start the draft again for a "temporary" increase? Throwing more troops at this situation is not the answer. More training is needed, more diplomacy is needed. Heck, invite Iran to talk about things...anything except send additional troops! It's a nuthouse over there, thanks to us, and we do have to solve it. But how can we send more troops to die? I just don't get it.

Looking for Small Business Advice?

*Disclaimer: This is a paid advertisement for*

As someone who moonlights to make ends meet, I'm always looking for free business info. While I was browsing through PayPerPost's opportunities, I found the site, which has a great deal of useful information for small business owners. For instance, they offer book keeping services. Now, if I ever make enough money to need a book keeper, I think I might use their services. For a mere $10 per month, they will do your reconciliations, bank accounts, merchant accounts, etc.

There's also a great article about obtaining an EIN (Employer Identification Number) if you need one. Turns out I don't, but I wouldn't have known that without reading this article. I always thought it'd be useful to have one, but not really...not unless I have employees, which I don't. But still, it looks like this is a site to bookmark for those who own small businesses. Maybe someday, I will have employees of my own. If I do, I'll be sure to keep my eye on this site!

Anyone Need a Kid's Bed?

I have a friend who just asked me if I knew of anyone who needed a kids bed in really good condition, because he was getting a new one for his son. Unfortunately, I don't. Seems like he's redecorating now that his son is getting a bit older. I have to admit that someday, I'd love to be planning my kid's room. But, I guess that will have to wait, seeing as how I'm not planning on having kids anytime soon...

Silly Me

I thought I'd be able to work from home for a mere three days, but my manager won't let me. I want to get my book out on time, but I'd like to be able to do it from the comfort of my own home. But no. Something about how this might set a precedent that others will follow. Right. So much for charity and goodwill.

Words can't describe how frustrated I am right now. And really, I don't want to get into the details, lest I get myself in hot water. Suffice it to say, I am angry and bitter. Thank goodness I have an outlet tonight. My personal training session will help get some of this anger and frustration out. If only they had a punching bag...

Monday, December 18, 2006

No Vacation for Me Next Week

Well, looks like I can't take off the only three days next week my office is open. Why? Because I have a book that's going to the printer, and I don't have all of my page proofs back yet. That, and it's being done in the time difference basically adds on a day to whatever I can get done. It really sucks, and I'm mad that I can't take the time off. Normally, I'd just ask someone to cover for me, but there's no one who can because we're so short-staffed and all working at maximum capacity. Last thing I want to do is send someone over the edge with this one project. And that's what it would do, because it is a complete mess. It's one of those low priority titles that no one (including me) really paid enough attention to, and now I'm having to go over it with a fine-toothed comb. Even then, I am scared to see what sort of errors it will have when it gets printed. *sigh*

The one bright light in this is...I think I'll be able to work from home those days. No one's in the office anyway, and this title is 100% "electronic" meaning I can review PDFs and post corrections to FTP sites. And that's really the only work I plan on doing, nothing else...I mean, seriously. Not being able to take off because there's no backup in my department sucks. And I know I'm not the only one who's foregoing vacation next week because we are ALL in the same boat. I wish our department would see this and do something about it, like, hire some more people!

My Personal Training Adventures

*Disclaimer: This is a paid advertisement for*

Okay, so this will be my fourth consecutive week of going to my personal training sessions twice a week. Yay for me! Every time I go, my trainer has a different fitness plan for me, so I never know what to expect. I do know it will include at least some weight training, and a lot of interval training. Lately, his favorite thing to do is attach a 50 pound weight to my waist, and then I drag it the length of the building...twice, forward, backward. It's a lot harder than it looks! He also likes to have me run around the building twice, which is a challenge for me because I absolutely despise jogging or running. Despite all of my grumbling, I have managed to get through every session and not feel too much pain the next day (notice I didn't say "no pain" heh).

Unfortunately, my diet has gone completely out the window because of the holidays (so many vendors send us cookies and candy, it's unreal!), so I haven't lost any weight. But, I have noticed some muscle definition in my legs and arms, which is nice. Given that more muscle increases metabolism, I'm hoping that with the sessions I have left, and the holidays behind me, that my twice per week "torture" sessions (okay, okay, personal training sessions) might actually help me loose the weight I've been dying to get rid of for the past few months.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Yes, I Still Have Christmas Shopping To Do!

And, it's for my friends with babies. There seem to be a lot this year. Well, maybe not a lot...just two. But that's two more than I had to buy baby gifts for last year! Since I don't have kids myself, I always worry about what to get them. Do they already have it? Is it appropriate? That's why I'm so glad I found The Nest Baby Shop, which has personalized baby gifts! They have everything, like blankets, clothes, bath toys, and even stuff for baby showers. Too bad I didn't know about this site sooner, or I could have gotten some really cute stuff that I would know for sure no one else had gotten them, at least the stuff you can personalize (some of it you can personalize for free!). So, I will definitely be bookmarking this site for future reference. It's great!

The Office Christmas Party

How could I forget to write about this? I haven't been to one in, oh, 5 years now? Last year, I was unemployed. The year before that, I just didn't feel like going...and all those other years, too. But, I figured I should at least make an appearance this year, as it did sound like it had the potential to be fun. At the very least, I'd get to consume adult beverages on my company's bill, heh. There was karaoke and some greasy bar food, since we had rented a sports bar for our party. Turned out not to be a bad venue. And, after everyone had had enough to drink...the karaoke started. And no, I didn't partake...I'd need way more alcohol than I was ready to consume that night. So, am I glad I went? Sure! Now I only have family stuff to go to, and that's always fun. But, I sure do miss Mom around this time of year...

Friday, December 15, 2006

I Got the Blues - The Winter Blues, To Be Exact

When I was in college, lo these many years ago, I first learned about SAD, or Seasonal Affective Disorder. You might know it as the "winter blues" too. I was so intrigued by it, I actually wrote a paper on SAD. Yes, indeed, I did have SAD. To this day, I am convinced I still suffer from this disorder...maybe not as bad as a lot of people, but I definitely feel more sluggish and moody when the days start to get shorter.

Sometimes my winter depression gets so bad, I want to just hibernate like the bears do, and wake up when it gets warmer and there's more sunlight. Because, you see, I live where winters are very gray. We don't get a lot of snow, but we sure have a lot of cloudy days. Combined with shorter days, it's sometimes all I can do to get out of bed. Just about the only thing I like about December (besides Christmas, of course) is that after the 21st, the days start to get a little longer each day. Yay!

Why do some folks like me get depressed as the days get shorter? It's because there is less sunlight in the day. And when there is less sunlight, we make less serotonin. When we don't make as much serotonin, we start to feel sluggish, sad, depressed, etc. Some people, like me, are just more predisposed to the effects of a lack of serotonin during this time of year. That is why researchers developed broad spectrum, intense lights, otherwise known as SAD Lights that people can sit in front of to help with their symptoms.

Now, I don't have one of these. But don't think for a second that I haven't thought about buying some SAD Lights to help treat my winter depression. I'd much rather use something like SAD Lights than anti-depressants. When my mother died on Thanksgiving 3 years ago, I did need the help of an anti-depressant, because I knew the grief combined with my Seasonal Affective Disorder might land me in a clinical state of depression, unable to do anything. But for my winter depression, I really don't need an anti-depressant. That's why I'm seriously considering purchasing one this year. Maybe I'll make it my birthday present to myself!

Almost Time for that New Year's Resolution

It is so hard to keep yourself on a diet around the holidays. Seriously, how am I supposed to be able to resist all of the goodies that come around this time of year? I think after Christmas and New Year's, like every other person on the planet, I am going to stick to a diet to go with my personal training sessions. I'm actually starting to see results from only 3 weeks, but it's only my muscles getting more defined...I'm not losing any fat, it seems. So, I'm going to do a diet comparison. I know low-carb is out for me, but I'm thinking of cutting out refined grains and sugars, otherwise known as the SugarBusters diet. It has worked in the past, and since I am training fairly hard twice a week, I'm thinking it'll work even better. At least I'll still be able to eat grains, consume dairy, etc. I just can't eat any products containing white flour and sugar. Once I get over the initial shock of sugar leaving my system, I think I'll be okay. We'll see.

Breast Cancer Rates Fall

This is indeed great news that breast cancer rates fell dramatically after the announcement was made in 2003 that some breast cancers may be fueled by HRT (hormone replacement therapy). But unfortunately it's too late for my mother, who passed away that same year after her breast cancer returned.

Turns out my mother had one of those types of breast cancers, and it is one of the less common types that is more easily missed, lobular carcinoma. You see, rather than a lump, it feels more like a flat, hard area. And, it is also more easily missed on mammograms. Hers was missed back in 1998. And, she had been taking HRT because she was more worried about heart problems, due to family history.

After learning this news back in 2003, I tried going off of birth control pills, as I have had many of the same "female" problems my mother did and figured that artificial hormones probably weren't that great for me. I went back on when some new forms came out, but last year I went off of them completely because they were making me insane. Seriously, a day wouldn't go by without an emotional rollercoaster of feelings, usually accompanied by crying fits for no apparent reason. Not good!

So, I will definitely be avoiding any type of HRT in the future, and I am off of hormonal birth control for good. With my mother having breast cancer, and two great aunt's on my dad's side of the family having it...I'm not taking any chances. Even though it's too late for my mom and all the rest of the women who have either beat breast cancer or succumbed to it, I am glad that it seems they've found one way of shutting down this horrible disease. Now if they could only shut it down completely, that would answer one of my most fervent hopes for this century.

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Wednesday, December 13, 2006

My Annual Car Insurance "Check Up"

I have dealt with car insurance more than I care to in the past 2 years or so. And, I'm always checking my car insurance estimate with different companies to see how my rates compare. This year, I stumbled across, a website which allows consumers to get online car insurance quotes from many different car insurance companies, one of them being Geico.

While looking at Geico's rates, I stumbled across this brochure in their driving safety section called "Teens and Trucks," focusing on how to show teen drivers to drive more safely around trucks and tractor trailers. While this is geared toward teens, I think this is useful information that everyone should be reminded of, like staying out of a truck's blind spots (if you can't see their mirrors, they can't see you!), using caution when passing a truck, avoiding cutting trucks off (pulling too closely in front of them when passing), and not getting involved in a "Squeeze Play" when trucks need to make wide turns. It's all common sense, but sometimes we need a little reminder when it comes to driving safety, I think.

Christmas Eve on "House"

Wow, last night's episode of House was, well, depressing! The medical mystery was solved as usual, but it took a back seat to the drama that is House's trouble with Detective Tritter. You see, House left a rectal thermometer up Tritter's derriere, after Tritter sufficiently peeved him enough during an exam. Ever since then, Tritter's been after him, especially after learning House takes Vicodin, and a lot of it. He got suspicious after finding over 600 Vicodin tablets in House's apartment, as well as getting his hands on all the written prescriptions that Wilson, House's best friend and the head of the oncology department, had supposedly written for him. Looked like some of them were not written by Wilson. So Wilson got himself in some hot water, and was getting pressured by Tritter to confess. But, he held out...until House totally lost control in last week's episode after being deprived of Vicodin. And when I say lost control, I mean he went nuts. Pain can do that to a person.

Anyway, last night was the culmination of all of Tritter's efforts, after Wilson basically ratted him out because he's trying to help him fight his addiction. He won't admit it has any gain for him, which is just silly because it gets him off the hook, frees his accounts, and gets him his life back. He talked Tritter into a deal requiring House to go through 2 months of rehab, no jail, no getting his license revoked, which I don't get how he did AT ALL considering Tritter wanted House in jail. Of course, House refused to take the deal because, well, if you know his character at all...he can be rather stupid when it comes to stuff like this.

So, in order to force him to take the deal, Cuddy, the head of the hospital, cuts off House's Vicodin completely, and then throws him off the medical mystery of the week. That is, until the entire staff of masterminds hits a brick wall (as usual) with diagnosing this week's patient, and they cave in. But, before they did that...House did something worthy of any addict. He stole a dead man's Oxycontin prescription from the hospital. If you're thinking, "what an idiot!" you're right. But, he just proved Tritter's point. He's an addict willing to jeopardize what little chance he has left of staying out of jail and in medicine.

And, to top it all's Christmas Eve. House goes home and sits by himself with his bottle of pills, and a bottle of Maker's Mark. And, you guessed it...the combination of Oxycontin, which makes Vicodin look like aspirin, and alcohol causes him to OD. Wilson ends up finding House in a pool of his own vomit...but he just leaves House there. Nice guy.

In the end, House goes to take the deal, but Tritter tells him it's off. You see, he'd been keeping track of all the prescriptions in the hospital, and he found out about House signing for the dead man's prescription. Deal's off. That's where we end. Merry Christmas, y'all!

This is December, Right?

Because it sure doesn't feel like it. I'm looking at my ForecastFox plug-in for Firefox, and it's telling me it's 55 degrees outside. And, looking's sunny! I am not complaining by any means, but it is weird for it to be almost 60 in December where I live. We've had a few cold snaps that required my "real" winter coat, but for the most part it's been a fairly warm winter (I know, I know, it's not technically winter yet). We had about a 1/2 inch of snow last week that caused general mayhem on the roads (seriously, it took me over 3 hours to get to work because of all the accidents). But, that's been it for the winter weather. Again, not complaining...but I'd like for it to get a little colder for Christmas. Sincerely doubt it'll be a white one, but when it's a warm's just weird for me. But, we still have January and February to maybe Old Man Winter is just waiting to unleash his fury on us?

Considering a Graduate Degree

Every now and then, I think that I should pursue a graduate degree of some sort. In my searches, I've run across what looks to be a decent online university, Capella University. It's been around since 1993 (the year I graduated college!), and it is fully accredited. Seeing that it's been around for so long, and that it's accredited make me feel more comfortable about possibly going for an online master's degree in business, which is what I would probably want to pursue. But, they also offer master's degrees in information technology, education, human services, and psychology. They also have undergraduate degrees in business and IT, for those who do not already have a bachelor's degree under their belt, like I do. I'm sure with the 76 degree programs, both graduate and undergraduate, and 16 certificate specializations there's something there that's right for me. I feel comfortable knowing that currently 16,000 students are enrolled from all 50 states and in other countries around the world. It is definitely a place I would consider, should I choose to pursue a graduate degree, as it is a high-quality online education provider with an established reputation.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Planes, Trains, and Automobiles - Travel Sites Abound

I haven't really taken a vacation this year. First, I was unemployed. And then, I returned to work, only to be met with a mountain of work and a staff that has been systematically downsized to the point of ridiculousness. Thus, no vacation for me this year.

But, next year, I am hoping to go somewhere. Where, I don't know. But that's where the 50 Best Travel Sites You Probably Never Heard Of comes into play. This is a site that lists some lesser-known travel sites that will help you plan itineraries and get reservations to destinations that seem to be more off the beaten path than most. It truly is for the travel enthusiast, as it links to sites dedicated to nothing but airplane food or getting the most comfortable seats.

Where was LuggageOnline's Web site when I needed it last year? Would have been really nice to know where I should sit on my flight. Oh well, at least now I have this great tool at my disposal for my next vacation!

'Tis the Season to Be Jolly?

Yes, it's almost Christmas. Have you finished your shopping yet? Because I haven't. And I'm dreading going out and buying gifts. Now, I only have 3 people to buy for -- my brother, my boyfriend, and his sister. My dad banned Christmas presents a long time ago, much to my dismay. He says it got way out of hand for a few years running, and his Christmas shopping days are over. Whatever.

I've tried several different ways of getting around his ban, mainly setting a limit, or only buying for one family member. But nooOOOooo! He still insists on no gifts. Well, if I didn't have a boyfriend or a sister-in-law (for lack of a better term), I would get jack for Christmas. That, and I do enjoy giving gifts, a lot actually. My brother and I have tried getting him silly stuff, and he just gets upset with us. So yes, I would consider him to be a Scrooge about gifts and whatnot. It's not that he doesn't like Christmas. He loves it, actually.

Now, I can see his a point. But still, it kind of takes the fun out of Christmas for me when I can't even get my own father something, when he has given me so much over the years. Maybe someday we'll wear him down...

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

New Ohio Minimum Wage Law?

Okay, so Ohio has needed to raise its minimum wage for a long time now. Finally, we did. However, it comes with at least one requirement that might prove useful, yet will cause some grief for those of us who are salaried. We now have to keep track of our time with timesheets, just like the non-exempt employees.

At first, I was a bit bent out of shape by this. But then, I realized how this might benefit those who are more than likely getting the ol' shaft because they work long hours, yet get paid a crappy salary. It's why I refuse to work more than 40-50 hours per week, because if I "hourly" wage would go down. Now, I'm not below minimum wage by any means. I figure that someone who makes only $22,000 per year, yet works 70 hour weeks, is probably someone who would be making below minimum wage.

I also wonder...does this mean we'll get overtime? Doubt it. From what I've read, it only applies to recordkeeping in case someone does happen to fall under the minimum wage. I'll be interested to see if anyone in this company falls under that category. Again, doubt it...but hey, maybe it'll show my division just how much we really make per hour. I mean, a lot of us work 60+ hour weeks (not me), so our hourly wage might be ridiculously low for someone in our position. Bet nothing will come of it...but I might start working longer hours just to prove a point, you know?

The Jungle of Job Search Sites

I am always on the lookout for freelance writing gigs, or any writing gig for that matter. And actually, with the impending sale of my company, I am keeping my eyes open for work should I get downsized. So, I've been looking for job search sites, aside from the bigger ones, just to see if there are any hidden gems out there. When I stumbled across, I was pleasantly surprised to find a user-friendly, easy-to-navigate job search site. You can search by job title, company, or location, depending on your needs. Unfortunately, there are no jobs suitable for me at this time, but I will definitely be bookmarking this site for future reference!

Monday, December 04, 2006

I'd Rather Be in Florida

When the temp drops below 20 degrees at night, that's when I start dreaming of living in warmer climates. But, alas, I do like the change in seasons...and I also hate excessive heat and humidity. So, I just have to settle for vacationing in warmer places, like maybe an Orlando Holiday Villa? Jetting off to the Caribbean? Visiting southern California? *sigh* If only. Money's just a wee bit tight right now, thanks to Christmas. Guess my dreams of vacationing will have to wait. I have sugar plum fairies I'm supposed to dream about, right?

Getting the Urge to Redecorate

Living in a one bedroom apartment can be, well, a bit claustrophobic at times. I've been in mine for about 1 1/2 years, and I'm getting tired of staring at the bleak white walls that every apartment comes with. So, I'm thinking of repainting my apartment. However picking paint colors can be a bit overwhelming. I also want to make sure I paint in a color that's easy to paint over in white when the time comes for me to move out.

Perhaps a nice, warm yellow might do the trick? That, or maybe a pale blue might be good. I'm thinking that the bedroom is probably the easiest room to makeover, just because it is the smallest room and would take the least amount of time. Could be a nice diversion for the inevitable cabin fever I get in the winter, since I hate cold weather and going outside in it. I'm still debating all of this, though, as I do tend to be lazy when it comes to changing my apartment surroundings...something about getting my entire security deposit back? We'll see.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Dreaming of Summer

So I'm sitting here at work looking out my window, watching the wind blow, hoping that a) the building doesn't fall down around us and b) the light poles that are shaking violently in the parking lot don't fall on people's cars. It's December 1st, and apparently winter wants us to know it's finally here (it's been in the 60s for the past two weeks!). It's sooooo windy, it's kind of scary. I could barely open my car door this morning, and just walking into the office was a chore. Temps are dropping like a rock too. So now that winter is definitely here, I can help but daydream of being on a beach in the Outer Banks NC, in the summer of course.

The beach is a place that I dream about a lot, and I have this need to go there frequently. It calms me, centers me. I feel at peace when I'm near the ocean (I'm sure the warmth of the sun helps with that too). But I feel like the beach is a part of who I am. I have fond memories of spending a month of every summer at my grandparent's beach house in northern Florida. It was a sequestered, sparsely populated beach then. Now it's full of condos. So, I'm thinking of trying the Outer Banks this year to see if there are any beaches like the one from my childhood. After the year I've had, I'll need a beach vacation to recharge my soul, I think.

Exercise, Diet Pills, and Diets (Ugh)

I know, I pills are not the magic pills we all want them to be. But, I keep on trying them in the hopes they'll help my new exercise regimen and diet kick in a little faster, because I know they don't do anything for you if you don't try to change your lifestyle. Those who believe that are doomed to fall for every new diet pill on the market.

Am I one of those people? Sometimes. The latest craze seems to be this Hoodia from South Africa, which is supposed to suppress your appetite. I've tried it, and quite frankly it didn't do anything for me. In fact, I think it made me hungrier. So, that one is definitely off of my list. But I would like to try one with this Keto-7, I believe it's called. If I don't start to see some results soon from my new exercise regimen, I will probably try one with it. Maybe someday, though, there will be a pill that works for everyone, and not just some!

A Bit Obsessed with Water Lately

Because it's gotten so dry with the fall/winter weather, I find myself needing to drink more water. Problem is, the water around here tastes like, well...pool water, as I may have mentioned in a previous post. So, I've been looking at different water filters. In my searches, I've come across a nifty little site called, which has just about every type of water filter you can imagine. has filters for refrigerators, fyour whole house, as well as the kind you stick on your faucets. There's definitely something for everyone. If I lived in a house instead of an apartment, I'd definitely consider a whole-house filter from, as I think that's really the way to go. That way, you not only drink filtered water, but you bathe in it and wash your clothes in it, and that's much healthier for you, I think.