Thursday, January 25, 2007

My Lovely Apartment Complex

I hope that when warmer weather comes, my apartment complex will tend to some house painting on some of their townhomes. Not many need it, just a few I think. You'd think with as much as I pay in rent (it's expensive for where I live...I know it's not bad compared to New York or Los Angeles!), they'd keep up with the external looks of the place. Actually, they do for the most part. But if I were two of the townhome dwellers, I would definitely want to know when they're going to do a little touch up.

Actually, I'm probably moving from there...after my next 9 month lease is up in November of this year. I was a dork and did not realize I had to give 45 days' notice, not 30. So, I'm stuck paying a ridiculous amount of money for my place (they raised my rent!). Oh well, all I can hope is that I find something that pays more, either in this company, or in another company. That, or find more freelance work.

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