Saturday, January 20, 2007

The Wonders of e-Cards

*Disclaimer: This is a paid review of Yahoo! Greetings with*

My dad finally figured out how to send an ecard yesterday. I was so proud of him (he's a little technophobic, so this is huge for him)! With so many to choose from (one for just about every occasion), the fact that they're cheap to send, and that you can personalize them, animated ecards really do make the most sense. The Yahoo/ site has a free 30 day trial to see if you like it, and then you pay $13.99 for the entire year to send as many cards as you like. It's great for holidays, because you can send the same card to everyone, just like Christmas cards...but at the click of a button, rather than addressing and stamping hundreds of envelopes. You can also schedule cards to be sent out on certain dates, should you so choose. I'm a member, and I love it. Seriously, it comes in very handy if I, say, forgot to send a paper card.

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