Tuesday, January 02, 2007

What Day Is It Again?

*Disclaimer: This is a paid review of TimeThoughts.com's time management website.*

I used to be the best at time management, knowing what day it was, where I had to be at what time. Now, I cannot live without my Smartphone, which syncs with my Outlook calendar. But even that has failed me sometimes. So, perhaps the time has come for some new time management skills, which is where TimeThought.com comes in. They have an e-book which details how to better manage projects and tasks, conquer procrastination (my biggest downfall), organize your e-mail, etc. There are also links to helpful tips, such as creating effective to-do lists and reminder lists, as well as links to what not to do, which is equally as important in my humble opinion. There's even some time management software that looks rather handy. So, this is yet another bookmarkable site for me. I better find a site about organizing bookmarks soon, or I won't be able to manage all the cool sites like this I've found!

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